Yet another MIDI Program Change Topic

So, I went insane yesterday and got a MachineDrum to go with the OT and MnM. I figured since the Monomachine was so easy to hook up to the OT and get pattern changes going, the MD would be just as easy. Not exactly…

First, I connected OT out -> MnM in, and MnM thru -> MD in. Enabled external midi clock and transport on the MD and I had sync going at least.

Program Changes were being sent, as the MnM was receiving them and switching patterns, but the MD just didn’t seem to want to listen.

So, I connected the MnM thru to a MIDI in on my computer and started up a MIDI monitor app. Filtered out everything but program change. Odd… the program changes are sent on MIDI channnel 3? But why? My OT has the default setup with the ‘auto’ being channel 11. So, what’s the deal with channel 3. Is it special?

Anyway, I changed the MD to listen to Program Change on channel 3, everything works. Weird. Can anyone shed some light on this?