You can have 1 FX box only, what would it be?

Forget the H9, I’ll take an H3000 :drooling_face:


Ooooo good shout. Also DP4.

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Its definitely idiosyncratic (DP4)- are there any tips you’d offer for creative patching?

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Something that can do good Reverb and Delay. Not so much Chorus, Flanger and the other stuff.

My desert island effect - Jomox T-Resonator II.

Stereo in and out.

Beefs up audio with tonnes of low end. Great for drums.

Provides beautiful and natural-sounding stereo width to all sound sources.

Functions as an all-in-one whalesong drone box or satanic death whistle.

Passable delay algorithms.

Really unique and fun reverb algorithms that become one with the filters in an indescribable way. Has to be played to be understood.

Also has chorus, flanging and resonator modes.


I don’t, sadly. I had an AR10 that I didn’t make very deep use of while I had it. When I did though it sounded incredible.

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Easy answer for me… almost
Without a doubt The sp404 mk II or Eventide H90!

Quadraverb, and I’ve owned FX boxes that go for 20 times as much.


This is a tuff question. If we’re not counting distortion in all its guises (because distortion is life, not a mere effect) then I’d say delay is my favorite. But which delay is my favorite? Between Oto Bim and Erica Zen, I really couldn’t say. They’re both excellent at what they do and both being delays there is quite some overlap. But they’re also very different and I feel like I ‘need’ both. With Bim you get the modulations and the freeze and with Zen you get the killer filter and the drive. Of course both offer way more than I can describe here but I feel like those are the key areas where they differ.

If I was looking to make some music using gear with crappy or no filters then I’d have to say the best effects box would be the Biscuit. Which is amazing because in addition to the sweet filter you get all sorts of easily applicable, great sounding weirdness including a cool delay.

I’m trying to get into NGNY2023 so I guess I’ll have to wait until 2024 to try a T-Resonator. I can already tell that if I even look at too many more YouTube videos of it I’ll get painfully gassed up. Thanks a lot @Claid! ;0)


Sorry! Speaking of YouTube, there are very few even half-decent videos on the T-Resonator. I want to do some that show the true colours of the box. It’s the most meditative piece of kit I’ve owned, and that includes the Lyra-8. Thick smooth beautiful drones. It’s vastly underrated and pretty cheap.


I’ve found this a real problem with figuring some things out on the T-Res II, though to be honest, the best way to do so is just to tweak away - it is one of my favourites for sure (I just keep a limiter handy for if the feedback gets too extreme).

I wish my favorite fx box would already exist. Something like a kaoss pad with better quality, lots! of knobs and faders, analog/digital fx and internal step sequencer would be my dream.
Good sounding drive circuits, analog delay, analog filters plus envelopes, lfo’s, phaser, flanger, bitcrusher, compressor and a few reverb algo’s would be great.
Around 699 bucks.
Come on Elektron, you can do it! :slight_smile:

But since that won’t ever exist i go with the Zen delay. No envelope on the filter is a bit sad though.
And please don’t talk about the T-Resonator anymore. I might have to get one…