Your plans for 2023?

Interesting, caffeine has absolutely no effect on me. I could drink two pots of coffee or nothing and there is no difference.

Love coffee though, so maybe I am lucky I don’t have to worry about and side effects. But I don’t get any of the short term benifits either :-/.


More focus on completing music rather than procrastinating all the god-damn time.
Health + lifestyle stuff- calm the booze down, quit meat. And smoking needs to f**k off too, as that one keeps creeping back in
Learn a language, work out some way to move out of the UK
Try and read more
Turn 40. This one isnt as much a plan as an inevitability which I need to get my head around. Much like i did when 30 seemed like a big thing.


worked like a dog this year, saving towards a retirement house for my mother. it’s a first world problem but it’s consumed me. should be sorted by march / april so i’ll be able to do more running, cooking, spending time with my 2 yr old and writing / performing. also want to finally start meditating regularly.

music wise my aims seem refreshingly simple for a change. i aim to master the m8 and make it the centre of my live set and writing process. ive had gig offers over the past few years but never felt productive enough on my hardware to get it sorted until now. such a clever little box and it’s giving me so much more clarity than walking into my studio and being faced with an opaque wall of synths / boxes.

lastly i aim to carry on spending more time on this forum as it’s both informative and inspiring.


I totally forgot that… I also turn 40.


Getting back to producing. My wife used the studio for home office and because I was patient, we are now changing a few things up.

She moves into our guest room and I can return into my studio.

Which means I can start to record tracks from over 2 years of dawless tracks that piled up on many different Intruments.

And the of course releasing the best songs.

But this year will be also very focused on building an online business in the music space.

Coaching, recording video courses, sample & sound packs, serving my audience and growing it.

And I want to get more into web3, so music NFTs, dipping toes.


Sounds good man!! Fun is the key!! :slight_smile:

I will try to slowly sell gear I don’t use (to my friends) to avoid having to work in order to paint all the time, while still having access to those sounds when needed lol.


Less time online.
Continue to learn new stuff.
Lots of house projects, regarding efficiency and energy reduction.
Couple of albums.
More sound and sample packs.

  • Settle into my new non-music job in the Aerospace industry - prove myself and secure my position. Providing financial security and medical benefits to my sons. I have no backup or family to help me so this is #1

  • Help my oldest son with severe Autism learn to communicate.

  • Get a divorce

  • Sell our house

  • Move into a new house

  • Learn to co-parent

  • Integrate into society and the music scene again after being completely isolated and alone for the last 4 years.

  • Setup my studio again

  • Be amazed at my musical output after surviving all of this.

  • Cry and be amazed that I have the strength to survive and carry on.


More music, less bullshit

My main goal for 2023 is to have a full, playable set, and maybe even perform it!

  • Get to know some more like-minded people in my area, leave the shut-in introvert social comfort zone a little more.
  • Keep going with my paintings, maybe get some collaborative project going.
  • Going to finally move end of January, looking forward to do some custom woodwork for new furniture.
  • Keep up the current pace with weed consumption, it’s nice to actually remember the few specific occasions you’ve smoked.

Most important to me is the first, I guess.


Good luck to you :heart:!


A cathartic read. Good luck brother x


I started like this… failed a couple times, and reset the clock… then started adding to it… Its been 3 years… and now the thought of alcohol or weed makes me ill. I mean I really do love it, but I drank and smoked my fill… It felt boring.

Music really helped by racking up my debt on soft synths and analog hardware… couldnt afford. drink if I wanted one…

shit… I traded one addiction for another.


Hi all, wishing everyone a happy holidays and a great new year.

For 2023:

  • finish the mix/master on an album I started over 20 years ago with a dear friend, whom I am no longer in touch with due to ‘reasons’. It will be a major emotional milestone for me. I’ve been teaching myself pro mixing/mastering in the process using Reaper and I really believe it’s got potential. My plan is to release it somehow - I don’t care if it gets zero attention, I just want it done and out in the public space.
  • start my own electronic music journey, focusing on the instruments I own and getting away from DAWs entirely (so far, DigiTone, Keystep Pro and a Proteus 2000 module. More than enough for now).

Aside from music:

  • get better at my job
  • connect with more people, deepen the relationships I have
  • find peace
  • read less news
  • Buy a house with decent electricity and a suitable basement for my studio.
  • Sell off a bunch of little-used gear and build said studio around a more focused, high-quality collection of equipment.
  • Complete the three outstanding musical projects I’ve promised to others.
  • Build a portative organ
  • Play more lute
  • Draw more hobbits

Musically speaking I guess I’m the same as most people. I’d like to focus and finish more projects. I have so much gear and the only thing that’s stopping me from making what I enjoy is myself.

I have ideas and I know what I like, but I think I lack the structure and discipline when it comes to building tracks. Less looping and more arranging.


Sorry to hear, wishing you the best.


My life fell apart in 2022 (husband left unexpectedly after 11 years together), so 2023 is going to be about finding somewhere new to live and rebuilding. This year has been awful but the upheaval has forced me to consolidate my equipment a bit which was probably overdue. The plan for music is to split my time more effectively between recording sounds with synths and making them into tracks on the M8, just trying to streamline my process which is a bit haphazard otherwise. Gonna start the year by selling a bunch of stuff I think…


-Make more time for music.
-Complete home cinema upgrade.
-Volunteer as a time keeper at local swimming club.
-Try to not get so pissed off at everything all the time.


Brave post fella, all the best for 23 :muscle: