Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Spoiler free discussion)

I’ll never be able to unsee this indeed. Ugh, but also thank you for this blessing/curse.


I’ve been noticing some two minor glitches since I got done with the Wind Temple.
In some ingame cutscenes Link’s arm keeps emitting water droplet particles for some reason. And the glider cloth sound loop is completely gone.

Anybody else have these?

Other than that, it’s been a great experience so far!

short spoilery opinion

I especially like the surprise miniboss encounters with these Hands/Phantom.

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Maybe spoiler hide that last paragraph

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I didn’t run into that bug. Sorry that happened

spoiler response

I hate those things. First time I ran into them, I shot a few arrows and then warped the heck out of there.

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spoiler response response

It’s really the variety of “intense” threat that was missing for me in BotW! All those Lynels got a bit same’ish after a few dozens of them. TotK is definitely scratching that itch better.

You can kind of lock the Hands in an injury animation cycle when you’re throwing 5 or 6 well placed/timed bombs at them btw.

Spoiler inception

Bomb arrows and done.

I love the item fuse arrow mechanic. So clever.


I can’t wait for the hard mode DLC where time doesn’t stop while you’re trying to fuse


Anyone into using exploits? Me, I’m a traditionalist when it comes to playing a game…no cheats. My fiancée is IMMERSED in Zelda…checking all the angles. She found a vid about an exploit that allows you to duplicate items in your inventory. Rubies, Sapphires, apples…if anyone is interested I can post the vid or you can search it.

if you guys didn’t know already

I know of it. Never use anything outside what the designers intended. But, you know, power to those who do.

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Ya I just can’t do stuff like that myself. I’ll grind.

I’ll honestly probably do it if I come across any tasks that require me to have a ridiculous number of rare items which would take hours to get. Otherwise, I’m not particularly interested because it will ruin the fun for me. It’s so easy that I’m shocked this wasn’t caught in testing.

And wouldn’t they have nerfed it by now if they cared?

Maybe. There are like three or four methods at this point, all revolving around the “hold items” mechanic. As far as I know, these recent easy methods were introduced with the latest patch. The game is only a week old, I expect this will be patched in the future.

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It’s a game…people should play the way the wanna play. It’s about fun.

Me…Im not opposed to torturing myself to play as designed. I’ll also grind to get platinum trophies on PS5. But, if on a project I’m asked to help QA, I’ll break the fuck out of a game. I RUINED Saboteur when I had down time to do testing. :rofl:

We had a guy at Interplay that would do QA stuff like, hit each key on the keyboard 1000x to see if it broke anything. Dedication.


I think it’s only a couple days old, no?
Probably a patch in the werks.

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This game just keeps getting better as I play it!

I liked Breath of the Wild, and played countless hours, but I was never quite blown away by it. Still liked most previous Zelda games more.

While I still have favorite Zelda games that I would rate over Tears of the Kingdom for various reasons, it is now officially blowing me away. I’ve barely done any of the actual plot-lines yet. I’ve just been exploring, collecting, opening all the map portions, exploring the depths, and even in this capacity this game is incredibly good.

I’m not sure if they slipped in a sneaky patch, but the frame rate has improved significantly since I first started playing. Even in busy areas, it seems absolutely locked at 30FPS. This is also cool, because when I play it on the TV, I turn on the silly “soap opera smoothing settings” and it runs at an effective 120FPS. Smooth as silk!

There are so many cool little details, character appearances, and additions that keep it fresh.


Oh, and agree with @DrOrthogonal Purah is indeed a minx! :grin:


FromSoftware took weeks to iron out the worst (or best!) of the Elden Ring exploits. 15 months on and they’re still patching out the smaller ones.

But, like you say, sometimes developers don’t mind a cheeky exploit.


Yeah I remember that now. There was some insane OP edit: in ER and it did take a while for them to nerf it.

Zero spoilers in the following post

After 10 days of playing the game, and only having scratched the surface, I can say with confidence that it is something truly special. And by that I don’t mean the quantity of content, although there is a lot of it. I just mean the overall quality. The world design honestly makes BotW feel like a tech demo or practice run in retrospect. I love how much there is to explore. I really liked BotW, but one of my biggest criticisms of that game was that there were barely any structures to explore and get lost in. It was pretty much all overworld stuff and the shrines. Hyrule Castle was the highlight of that game for me for that reason. Felt like a dungeon; but closer to one you’d find in something like Dark Souls than one from a Zelda game. All these caves and wells get me pretty excited, even if some of them are rather small. Also, in BotW all the weapons felt pretty dispensable, but the fusing mechanic definitely has me more engaged with what weapons I use. Different damage types being a little more relevant helps too.

My only criticisms so far are the Shrines and what feels like limited creative options in combat compared to BotW.
Regarding shrines, I’ve done 40 of them so far, and not a single one has felt like a puzzle that needed to be solved. They’ve all just felt like really small exercises, or tutorials to the game’s various systems. They introduce an interesting idea, and by the time you get excited about it, they’re already over. It’s been a while since I played BotW but in my memory the shrines were more interesting. As for the combat, the game kind of makes me feel like I’m playing it wrong. Like, I’d walk into one of those Bokoblin outposts, and there’d be a bunch of explosive barrels there. In BotW you’d be able to smack enemies in the head with large metal objects using Magnesis, or launch explosives and other stuff at them with Stasis, but in this game I feel like there’s not much I can do other than just hitting enemies with my weapons and various kinds of arrows. Ultra-Hand has similar functionality as Magnesis but with much shorter range and less momentum on the objects you swing around. There’s the occasional cool use of Recall on things that are thrown at you, but that’s about it. Of course there are other options once you start building contraptions. I’m really trying to go for creative ways of beating enemy encounters rather than the straight forward hit-it-till-it-dies approach, but I haven’t found many options.
Oh, and the menuing could really be improved. It was a minor annoyance in BotW, but now with almost every item in your inventory having some kind of use on many occasions they should’ve really improved it. For example, if I want to attach an item to my arrowheads I now have to scroll through a list of potentially hundreds of options. I know that you can sort by “most frequently used” or by type by pressing Y, but any time you decide to try out a new item to attach, finding it in the list of items becomes a pain. Also, you should be able to unfuse weapons from the weapon switching quick menu. They probably decided against this because they didn’t want people to accidentally unfuse weapons trying to select a different one, but they could’ve just made it a drop down menu like they did in the inventory. Also, whenever my Bow breaks I have to equip a new one from my inventory, because you can’t go into the bow switching quick menu without having one in your hands.

Anyway, despite some criticisms I’m having a total blast. Maybe it’s too early to tell, but this might end up becoming one of my favourite games, if not my favourite. And I’ve played a lot of games.

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I never like BOTW, just didnt like the graphics and some of the gameplay, the horse riding, all sorts of stuff.

I LOVE TOTK though. I’m ignoring the graphics and just loving all the exploration, which is my favorite part of any game. And, I"m an archer in most games I play so being able to take out enemies with bomb and fire arrows without any melee at all is so nice for me.