0-Day Sysex | Granules

Did you multitrack this is in ob? Or is it just single takes on dn.

Love read receipts. You’re making some hybrid of idm and metal on the digitone haha.

Thanks again for all the nice comments!

No, just straight out from the analog outputs. Can’t really multitrack this! Hehe.
All single takes with some light editing, each track is pretty much performed live.


That’s sick, I like that approach. Keeps it more fun. No right or wrong way, but i often feel like I’m doing it wrong if I’m not multitracking and eq-ing everything haha.
Such a good listen

All of my personalities blame @Ess for the sound design and textures.

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Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?!

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Awesome work, how did you manage to make that distortion duck?

It’s a side effect of the DNs Master Overdrive. A lot of the clipping comes from pushing the low end with the high pass filter so heavy hits to the sub range will eat up all the headroom pushing everything else out of the way which sounds like ducking. it’s kinda like tape saturation.


For some reason, I had missed this album ^^
Re-listening now, I had been looking forward to spending some time and get closer to Lorn sound in the weeks to come. Actually found a shortcut :wink:

Thx @Ess, keep dropping your nice sound dear!

Hello @Ess, I bought all the albums on Bandcamp, really good stuff, but I wanted to upload the sysex and they are not working anymore with the newest Digitone OS. Dataline pointed at this in an other thread but he seemed to be able to recover the projects and adapt it to the new OS. Would you mind doing something similar or will I have to downgrade the OS?

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+1, please!

Ho and also, I would love a 0-Day Sysex release of your Model:Cycles demo at the release party at Perfect Circuit.

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I could probably fix that, but it sounds more like a problem for Elektron to solve in all honesty. SysEx backups shouldn’t become incompatible, that defeats the whole purpose of them. I would recommend to send in a bug report.

But in any case, I’m currently in the US so I don’t have access to my machines but I would assume I’ll be able to update the OS of the Digitone with these projects on them, open the projects and send as SysEx. If anyone wants to take a stab at this go ahead, not sure when I’ll be able to.

Could be fun! At the moment I’m just super busy with work… Maybe a little unlikely that I’ll do another release at this point. Could just do a big SysEx 0-day leak at some point, haha.


Hmm wtf strange things are going on with transfer, sysex and os. So .syx backups maybe don‘t work?
I made a support ticket because similar stuff came up here. I always liked c6…
Btw thanks for dn and detailed fm-nerd comments and videos.

Here the answer ( and maybe this transfer thing expained here doesn‘t have anything to do with the os upgrade and backup thing?)

Thank you Ess for your kind reply. I will send a bug report as also Dataline suggests it.
No hurry, don’t worry, but if you’ll find the time it would be nice.
Maybe I’ll just try to downgrade it and will be uploading this for everybody.

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Love the work done and good crafting of the sounds onboard the Digitone, which OS is actualyl working for transferring the sounds sysex?

Alright, after downgrading my DNK I’ve been able to import the project sysex (the sound ones worked) and after re-upgrading it, I’ve exported both Granules and Mindmelt.
I’m sending them to you in PM @Ess


Just grabbed this, really amazed with what you got out of the Digitone here! Was looking forward to investigating the projects but seems like I’ve been hit with the same issue people were experiencing with later firmware not accepting the sysex - is a sysex compatible with the latest firmware available?

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I tried downgrading, uploading the sysex and updating again. It works perfectly, takes maybe 10 minutes. Having an insight into Ess’s process is a treat! There is a lot to learn there.


Nice ! Can you maybe save the project and export a new version, then send it to @Ess so that they can update the sysex?

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Weird that this thread should pop back up… I just got my DN back from a mate who’d had a loan of it for quite (!!!) a long time and was just thinking it would be good to investigate the Fors sysex so didn’t realise that there firmware versions issues. It would be ace to be able to get all 3 of them,