0-Day Sysex | Granules

:point_right: 0-day.xyz


Once again 0-Day Sysex to you with a collection of open source tracks, with sysex and all. This time they are all made (by me) with a single Digitone and explores a dark and harsh, sometimes even lofi, side of a unit usually known for its pristine sound. No Heat needed for this … Or?

Hope this finds you well and can bring you some inspiration in these trying times. And as always, this content is royalty free to use and abuse.


The cover art for these 0-Day releases has consistently been amazing.


Thank you! I actually do the covers as well, this one is probably my favorite so far.


Awesome track. Open source music is such a neat idea. It completely turns the typical legal minefield of music upside down, and helps further build a community. Moves the focus from business back to art.

Just wait and we’ll all share a good laugh when the track shows up sampled on some hit pop song!

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Much too short! That’s almost like a coiXXX interruptus … just getting started into the groove and then … BAMM, silence. More, gimme more! :wink:

(Disclaimer: I know there is more on the site)


I think I’ve been poisoned by my constituents!

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Awesome! My fav 0-DS release so far.

@Ess Do you mix all in the DN or do you (multi)track and edit in DAW? Can the DN by itself do the ducking effect prominent on the album?

Ive got one it will pump if you crank the master overdrive and mix into it. Kind of like how you can mix into a compressor and get a pumping effect.


Thank you all!

Yes, it’s recorded directly from the master output, all distortion and pumping is internal


Really great sounding how the bass ducks out the highs!

I hope Elektron is paying you well 'cause all your dev, music and communication work must be boosting company value through the roof :wink:

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@Ess Really interesting! I havent unlocked the mysteries of the DN overdrive yet, but you have made it sound lovely.
Questions- did you use stock presets for drum sounds? And did you apply distortion as part of the writing process, or apply it after the patterns were completed?

Pretty much all the sounds are unique except for like some pad sound. :slight_smile:
Yeah, it was composed with the distortion as part of the process. The sound design relies heavily on how that works, and how the balance of the tracks and the frequencies of the individual sounds play into that.


Loving these releases @Ess! Such great music and really shows off the Digitone’s capabilities. Awesome work! :ok_hand:

Bought all three releases and have been listening to them while working. Good stuff!

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+1000 for the Sunny reference. listening to now…


Had a blast playing around with these today, amazing stuff! I experimented with multi-tracking in OB and just using the analog outs, crazy what a difference it made!

Exceptional work and a valuable resource for sound design on the DN/DK

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Interesting! What difference do you hear?

This is some fantastic work, loved the stream. I’ve been listening to this since you made it available on BC. Loaded it into my digi and its amazing to be able to see your workflow on this machine.

I’m most hopefully for future streams and album releases. Much thanks for this.

This album is unreal. I love heavy (yet tasteful) application of distortion and overdrive. I am blown away that this is only Digitone. Also – if Ess can make this masterpiece with just a Digitone, then I surely have too much gear. Time to sell it all and lock myself in a room with Digitone. High on my list now is exploring the master overdrive / distortion. Speechless. Thanks for this.