0F.digital - isometry (my new album featuring Monomachine, Digitone and M8)

Just came out via 3OP :slight_smile:

So keen for people to hear this. Here’s their writeup:

isometry cleverly guides the listener through different sonic territories: like distant planets, each abandoned by a long-extinct sentient culture, knowledge of which we can only derive from ancient artifacts and alien inscriptions. Yet deeper archaeology reveals common threads of relation.

While we’re tempted to describe each track meticulously (we always are), and how we’ve responded emotionally to these, we prefer to talk about the album as whole. What keeps on striking us is how fiercely varied and intense isometry is. Blissful violence, serene lushness and refined rawness abound. isometry is fueled with euphoria, sonic assault and intricate melodic work.

It’s a brilliantly paradoxical body of work, telescoping conflicting energies in a masterfully controlled and meaningful way. The experience is massive. The walls of sound are sublime.


Sounds great so far :ok_hand:

Curious how you combined Digitone and M8.


Not all tracks use all machines I mentioned, and some tracks are all software :slight_smile:

Track 3 “newDwns” though, is a recording of Digitone chords processed through Monomachine, with drums from Renoise, arpeggio + bass from M8, and processing in Reaper and Paulstretch. All done in separate sessions/layers. Also it’s possibly one of the best tracks I’ve written.

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Track 3 is exactly what I was listening to when I replied :slight_smile:

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sounds amazin so far. track 3 is a banger :fire:

gonna spin the whole thing in me painting studio today :slight_smile:

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I like that. :smiley: it has a certian Roly Porter vibe, which is always a good thing in my book.

Haven’t heard Roly Porter before but makes sense :metal: thanks guys!

The rest of the tracks are quite different. From the brief listen I did before the purchase I think I will like it all :smiley:

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This is ace! Wee hints of quite a few different artists/styles that I really enjoy but you’ve woven together into something quite cohesive and with it’s own voice. Only had a quick listen to bits and pieces before I downloaded but I really am looking forward to giving it a proper listen once this ear infection clears up and I don’t feel like someone has slightly closed a 6db LP filter on my right ear.

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3OP is my new favorite label. Bought this earlier today and just now saw the thread. Congrats on the awesome release!

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Bumping this again to share a video one of my collaborators from uni made for newDwns :slight_smile:

For bonus material, here’s another thing we collaborated on last year:


Took a listen, and although it’s not my usual thing, the tones are really cool. I’ll echo that Trk 3 was my favourite, perhaps because I prefer less aggressive music. Very nice.

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Yes, ‘newDwns’ is lovely! I like the videos as well!

This is absolutely banging! love it.

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

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