1.10.1 a step back for me, can't simultaneously use A4 and Rytm

On the previous release, I had Rytm and A4 working (OS-X El Capitan), but now MIDI isn’t being sent to one of the devices and audio isn’t being fed back into the DAW.

The OB control panel is also confused, it’s sometimes seeing A4 audio on the Rytm panel…!?

This is Cubase, which was previously working. I’ve yet to try Ableton.

Anyone else seeing similar?

Yep - my Ableton Overbridge test project is now broken.

I wasn’t doing anything complex on there either. :frowning:

My MacBook, which is USB2 seems to work OK with the same connection via Overhub.

So, I’m wondering if a USB2 cable would help?

In case the info is of use, a USB cable doesn’t help.

This is related to the MacPro vs. the MacBook.