1 box to rule them all

This is heading in the right direction for sure, but not sure if midi is the answer to do the complete file management piece as well. It would need to be able to replicate the project - file management structure for each box in some way or identify them and utilize them. I might be thinking too elektron specific.

The original post was just an off the cuff remark really, I did not think too much into it when I posted this as it related to another topic. I was just thinking of how it could be easier to manage linking the boxes together more seamlessly in a file structure management way to better manage sets across the boxes as an example.

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I suppose overbridge approaches this in a sense. Doesn’t the latest version let you send configs, kits and the like from a daw. Ok, so you don’t want a computer, but it’s basically what you’ll get, regardless of what it looks like. There are third party tools for the RYTM and for the OT and from what I can tell, they’re a significant effort on the part of the developer who took them on.

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I suspected this to be the case but have never used overbridge so wasnt sure.

Already trademarked it :loopy:


I believe elektron is working on overbridge to make just this happen. They have already stated that sample management, total recall of machine states and pattern management is on their roadmap for OB. As for when it will become a reality, no idea… Might take a while :nyan:

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Sounds like I will need to learn overbridge and ableton one of these days…

I’d love to have 1 single software/app to “rule them all” but more importantly to allow seamless sample transferring from OT to AR and vice versa, help with sync/pattern change/syncronisation and store presets


Yeah, the fact that the OT is on a different pattern/kit metaphor is a pain in the ass.

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Had anyone here used a MC909 ? Was it worth it, and what was its major drawbacks ? Or compared to an RS7000 ?

Not really, so take the following with that context.

I think the main issue(s) with the MC-909 are track lengthss are all the same in the pattern, maybe an issue with synth voices as well? I don’t know. MC-909 (JV Engine?) has arguablly better sound generation then the RS7000 (AWM2 engine?); but I think not as good as the RS from a sequencing / sample handling point of view.

Honestly, all the grooveboxes have issues, pros, and cons, you need to figure out which is best for you, usually by road testing, and then stick with it. For me its the RS7000 as a pure midi sequencer, because its a weapon. For synthesis and sequencing, I like the E-Mu Command Stations (but no sampling); not a fan of MC’s and MPC’s, but that is just me.

I am pretty stoked about the MC909 after watching the video, its very capable machine. The track maximum length seems to be true, but the pattern can have any length you want to have it. Up to 999 Bars. And it seems to record in song mode which is a wicked and intuitive feature. Sample Memory up to around 280 Mbyte=?

I had a MC 303 back in the day, but used it only as a sound module, and very infrequently.

What makes the RS7000 better for sampling?

I don’t know? Never really used a MC-909 much, and with the RS7000 I long ago ditched the concept of sampling / sample playback and used it only as a midi sequencer driving an Access Virus TI and Akai Z4… thats 16 midi channels, controlling 16 audio channels into a 16 channel mixer equals massive amount of control.

Sounds like a good Idea, i let it cook for a while, but i may try one out.

My experience of OB is very close to what you describe, Cosmic. All your midi or sequencer clips are lined up, you can have seperate tracks sending out pattern change messages (this works with the analog boxes but should work with the white boxes too, no?), ala kits as you need them. And Total Recall is just that - you load your Ableton set and bam, there it all is, ready to go.

I’m not sure if Elektron conceded defeat with OB, letting for instance Maschine or Ableton Push take over say the OT as the main hardware interface, but the recent Ableton update out last night, 9.7, gives routing options and track and clip colour changes direct from Push, which is an awesome addition imo.

I guess Elektron have the best of both worlds - one of the most killer samplers on the market, but also an excellent ITB relationship for using their current boxes. But yeah maybe what they don’t have yet is that mix between OB and OT.

As someone else said tho, what’s a computer?

This thread makes me actually think such a box would, in light of OB, be a screen. Did anyone ever make an audio interface that was a screen at the same time?

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Former Yamaha RM1X user here so I get how the RS7000 could be very productive. I sold my RM1X to a buddy and picked up a MV-8000 shortly after. With the MV I can run 128 midi tracks over 32 midi channels, plus I can run stems if I want. These things are incredibly cheap right now and they make a fantastic keystone for a OTB studio. I usually set it up where I run 1 midi out as a “sync” out and slave a bunch of CV sequencers, etc and the other out is piped into a thru box out to multiple synths.


Funny how idiosyncratic this stuff is. I had an RS7000 that I wanted to use as a MIDI sequencing brain and never gelled with its workflow - got an Octatrack next and immediately fell in love with its MIDI sequencer. Never turned on the RS7000 for the next year and a half, until I had to demo it to the local buyer I was finally able to find in NYC.

It’s certainly powerful and has a lot of nice tricks up its sleeve. Maybe I just didn’t allow myself to give it a chance because it’s too big for my limited space and felt kinda ancient.

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[quote=“Autopoiesis, post:37, topic:31335, full:true”]
Funny how idiosyncratic this stuff is. I had an RS7000 that I wanted to use as a MIDI sequencing brain and never gelled with its workflow - got an Octatrack next and immediately fell in love with its MIDI sequencer. Never turned on the RS7000 for the next year and a half, until I had to demo it to the local buyer I was finally able to find in NYC.[/quote]

I’m the opposite. My only real complaint about the RS7000 these days is its size.

But yes, you are absolutely right, its a very personal thing. I don’t like MC’s or MPC’s as I don’t gel with them. But I know they are serious boxes, just not for me.

It’s a weapon. But… If you didn’t gel with it, you didn’t gel with it. And to really get the most out of it, you need to gel with it and spend serious time/effort (like anything) and that ain’t happening if you aren’t gelling with it. Well, at least for me.


The MnM is the one box to rule them all. If had to start from scratch my 1st purchase would be a MnM sfx-60 mkii. 12 tracks, 6 internal 6 midi. I can go from deep bass to super high metallic, hell I can even make it talk. I’ve owned all the :3lektron: and the MnM is still my favorite.


alert : Joke !

@Cosmic it’s a computer, right ???


EDIT : shit joke already done lol


the first nice track i made was on the RS7000 (16 years ago) :joy:

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