1 box to rule them all

One thing about 1 box to rule them all is that you would not have to track projects, songs, parts, kits etc on potentially 5 machines. I would like to see Elektron bring out a box that allows the users to manage all projects, kits parts, sounds etc from one central BOX, making the management and storage able to be handled in one central place. Not sure if that is possible though considering the different development stages and functionality of each box. Or perhaps this is what Overbridge offers (have never used it).


That sounds like an ITB setup desire. I intend to do an introspective bit and really ask the question " What IS a computer?" And see if i can connect, finally, with my push 2

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No I do not want to have a computer involved if possible.

Then i suppose modular is the way itā€™s gonna have to be. (Provided my understanding of modular is accurate)

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how would modular provide projects, kits, songs, patterns etc all managed in one place for multiple units?
Sorry i have never used modular and not really intending to.

I havenā€™t used modular either. But I presume itā€™s basically just building your own device from different pieces

Out of many, one. Kinda thing

Not really what i was thinking. Moreso taking the file management and bringing into one place from all elektron boxes, and controlling those boxes from one unit. Not sure if this is possible considering potential limitations with midi - integration etc.

Cirklon for the sequencer? For external control anyway

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Nahh not referring to external sequencing necessarily although this could be part of it. More referring to have a centralised file and data management system. I dont think it is possible on elektron units as things stand.

Hope you do, it is great!

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Thank you for the encouragement! It would definitely be ideal. I could use the cash from gear sold and space from gear sold. Also, Iā€™m WAY at due for learning Max/MSP/Jitter

Speaking personally, I donā€™t think the desire for a singular box is consistent. Like, youā€™ll always want and prefer more. Like, the monomachine can kinda do it all. An all in one boxā€¦BUT, if you really want a bumping rhythm, you GOTTA add that Machinedrum. Analog 4 for a touch of that analog warmth to spice up the song. And sampling. Gotta have sampling. Octatrack for that that analog rytm has some booming percussion. Holy shit, things have gotten out of hand. I need a singular box to do all of these things!

Good, got it.

That Avalon Baseline sounds incredibleā€¦

Just like the universeā€™s endless cycles of uncertainty. Before the big bang, there was one. And then many. And sure enough, in the essence of consolidation everything will be collapsed onto 1, until the many seems like a good idea again

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Are you talking about a little hub gadget thingamjig?

Iā€™m curious, does such a product exist from another company that does what you seek with their products?
Trying to get my head around what such a product would look like in hardware.

The problem with having one central sequencer and a bunch of other boxes is that you become quite limited in what you can do as far as sequencing modulation. The data rate of MIDI is still quite low so even if you have a separate MIDI out on your sequencer for each device thereā€™s a limit to how much you can tweak via CCā€™s at every step of the sequence. The sequencer probably also needs to be smart enough to send the CC data to the device before it triggers the note to avoid weird modulation effects.

The great thing about Elektron machines is they solve a lot of these timing issues and give you a powerful sequencer with tons of modulation possibility that can still maintain tight timing and integration with the synth engine. Such a thing simply wouldnā€™t be possible with an external sequencer, you can really only achieve it on purpose-built hardware or on a computer.

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Do you mean one place to organize kits and patterns and samples rather than at each elektron box? Like a configure manager or set manager?
If so itā€™s an interesting thought given that each box has its own way of manifesting the elektron vision.
Personally, I get overwhelmed keeping track of X version of X pattern matched to X on another synth or sampler while Iā€™m writing and end up limiting my songs basically to one box each. I hope to break out of this a bit with the rytm but even there keeping track of versions while Iā€™m writing is tricky. More so when I start bringing samples into the mix or using the rytm for synth lines.

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Hi Roy, this is closest to my thinking. As one previous poster mentioned the elektron boxes have not been designed for external control in this way. But in hindsight it would have been good if they were designed to operate independently with their own file management system, as well as being able to be controlled from a central device to bring all of that information into one central environment for ease of file data linking / associating and management.

Im thinking when playing live or in the studio, being able to link projects together from different boxes and know what is meant to play with what at any given time, know which kits belong where on every box visually, what songs make up a larger set etc etc.

PS kinda surprised this became a new thread :wink:

Yes i think this is the problem introducing this idea late into the architecture. Perhaps it could be driven via USB but that counts out the silver boxes at least. Perhaps Overbridge is the answer but would be better for me to be completely hardware, or hardware that is indpendent but also integrates with OB.

Analog hubgadget thingamajig. Perfect name for it.

Hmmm, I think that this might not be exately what you are describing, but the ā€œsipario intelligent midi routerā€ comes close. You might use it to store and recall sounds and presets on different kind of synths via midi. Might be very handy in a live setup with several machines involved.