100% improv // ambient

improv with my buddy ‘slop house’… lots of gear and bucket loads of reverb. we only agreed on a key - everything else is 100% improvisation and played live. hope you can enjoy

gear list for the tech heads:
OP-1, Nord Drum 2, Octatrack, DSI Mopho, Slim Phatty, Big Sky, some loopers

happy new year!


I like it.
Could you briefly describe which device did what sound?

Watch out next time for a clipping with resonance/feedback. :wink:


thanks for listening guys!
OP-1 is doing the opening, that mid-ish pad and some of the underlying texture, slim phatty run through the big sky contributes to the pad and does the high pitch lead, mopho the bass and the filtered/resonance, ND2 sequenced from OT is doing the bells and percussion…
good point regarding the clipping but as everything got tweaked/created on the fly without much thinking through I was pleasantly surprised we didn’t run into more tech issues. thanks again!

good stuff

thats pretty sweeeet !

Like it too. Do you have a Youtube chanel ?

chuffed you like it guys!
no youtube channel though, only SC/BC