100% Syntakt // Hypnotic Offbeat Techno experiment

Hi Nauts,

Hope you’re doing well today. I’m still really enjoying this instrument and plan on sharing a lot of work on it. Same great feeling while using this when using Digtakt and tone. Syntakt lets me create certain ideas I have had for a long time. Things that are not quite possible with either Digitone and Digitakt.

Here’s a new track performance. I created this mesmerizing drone and tried to make it so it seems to evolve forever. Enjoy :slight_smile:


Very nicely done.
Its not what you got, its what you do with it that counts. :+1:


Love it Dave!
I really like the direction your Techno is going in. More of this please!

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Love it, sounds great

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Usually not my cup of tea, but great character, sounds, and performance !

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Thanks everyone! Background of using DT a lot helps obviously but honestly never felt at home on an instrument this quickly. Lots more to explore though :slight_smile:

Sounds absolutely great.

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Ace track and sounds. The droning bass instantly made me want to watch Crocodile Dundee 2 though :grin: (not a bad thing).


yea lovin these new ones too


Definitely one of the tastiest things I’ve heard on the Syntakt so far. Great work.


Absolutely love it. Funnily, the only sound I wasn’t so keen on was the kick. But I bet that could be fixed with some Overbridge-based processing easily enough.
So much tasty scope with that analog fx block!

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Thanks everyone! . Bit late in response. Crazy week :slight_smile: more syntakt dedicated videos will immerge.
Going to perform this track again tonight at a gig. Last Tuesday it did well at another gig :slight_smile: