1010music Blackbox

This patch by the same user converts MIDI files into BB sequences:

btw. it’s possible the .als exported by BB also saves sequence data, but I don’t remember them showing up last time I tried.

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Oh MIDI files right. That would make sense. Yea I don’t see things as specific as from the xml in the als sequence wise.

Well it can go from DAW to BB I would assume the other way around too!

Now I am curious haha thanks

Looks like no multitrack export @Emil but Clip info can be loaded into Ableton and MIDI files should be possible.

And… I just ordered one :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m excited for the Launchpad Pro mk3. It looks perfect for this.

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Anyone have any luck with a MIDI (OUT/IN) cable to USB to control VSTs or a DAW?

With this new keyboard grid and using the sequencers I’d imagine I could make some good samples straight into the BB or save as WAV and load into OT for mangling. Either way I never thought about it until I saw a post on the BB forum for controlling an iPad.

Or use something like PolyPhase to control 4 pads on the BB.

I have been looking at iConnectivity Mio 1x1 and the FORE USB in-Out MIDI Digital Audio Controller. Wondering if anyone has latency reports on either of those. Preferably when using them with the BB.


EDIT: I ordered the FORE and a LiDiVi. Apparently little to no latency. I’ll report back hopefully tommorow with results :tada:

I did not get the iConnectivity so it might be better for this.

This experiment was mostly a failure :joy:

So looks like the FORE/LiDiVi brands are pretty much identical…

Works great on macOS so far. No sings of life on Windows -_-

No noticeable latency as of yet. Can’t wait to sample things into the BB.

Turns out KEYS GRID sends out poly MIDI data, so great for chords!

The interfaces don’t seem to send clock/play/stop but for me that’s actually perfect since I tend to make my beats on the BB and sequence external synths. Only works on Mac (both units…) and only sends notes data. YMMV

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I finally decided to pull the trigger on this, placed the order on Thomann today, I should get it within this week.
I’ve got some days to amass a sizeable amount of samples now, and study some more theory. C major and A minor are nice, but they get old after a while :smiley:


Just noticed this has USB midi clock, wonder if it can be powered from the DT and also receive midi clock from the USB on DT?

EDIT: doh thats not going to work… power is seperate to device USB. Wonder if I can still use USB MIDI though (DT USB to device USB on BB) :slightly_smiling_face::thinking:

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Just tried and no dice. To be fair I never use USB on the DT so I might have missed some settings. Hopefully someone else can try!

There is a midi clock out option in settings on DT, have to set it to send via USB. I will try later tonight. At work right now

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Should work. I use the USB Midi on Blackbox all the time, for all kinds of bi-directional stuff.


You guys should make a song together.


I’ve just received the shipment notification from Thomann! So excited

Now, how close can you get to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWOtsD-6nFM without a DAW?


Just tried mine… damn, this thing brings joy !


So I figured out a way to do hardwired resampling through external fx units and back into the Blackbox and monitoring the signal within the Blackbox, without additional gear needed.

It’s a bit tricky, and you wanna read this carefully or you’ll bust your ears - no really, pay attention, I mean it - and here we go:

So if you route the Blackbox out into something cool, like a Polymoon or a Chase Bliss Mood, and want to resample that directly into the Blackbox, this can be done already now. But your ears will bleed and you will go deaf if you monitor the signal within the Box while you resample, so in practice, something in between is essential. In my case, a Heat.

You don’t have to, though.

Connect your headphones or however you monitor your signal, to Output 3 in the Blackbox.

Pick an empty slot for resampling. Make that slot send its out to Output 3. To your headphones, that is, since they’re now connected to Output 3.

Connect whatever gear you want to resample through, and make sure the Blackbox routes the material you want to resample, into this gear from Output 1. Say an arp you want to route through a Volante or a drum loop through a Sherman Filterbank.

That gear, you then reconnect back to the Blackbox into In. Your Strymon whatnot, external filter crazy piece of kit or similar. Back into the Box.

In your headphones, you’ll now hear whatever you resample as you resample it, being able to monitor it while recording without bleeding your ears out. Because you’re plugged into Output 3, and Output 3 send only your resampled work, not everything else going on, saving your ears from certain doom.

This is useful for me because I do a lot of live tweaking as I resample, essentially recording an entire performance, so when I work the Meris Polymoon for say 64 bars of something, I want to hear what I’m doing, and now I can but without the need for external gear.

Beware, though - and I mean it, beware - because as you happily return to monitor your output from the regular Blackbox headphone sockets again, make sure to unplug whatever gear you got going into the Blackbox, or it might fry your ears.

I repeat - unplug anything that goes into the Blackbox, before you reconnect the headphones to their usual socket.

Pretty sweet, huh?


Good tutorial.

I find myself not using the headphone output anymore in my setup, and I have been using this technique but in the opposite way. Output 1 is my main output going to my mixer, which is how I hear it, and Output 3 is my “effects send” that I assign samples to when I want to send them out to be processed. This means the default state of samples (output 1) is not sent to fx, which is the way I want it. This also seems safer because when recording new samples I don’t have to remember to change the output to avoid a feedback loop. New samples by default go safely to my mixer, and I have to deliberately change it to send out for FX.

Yep, I was thinking along those lines as I considered a mixer instead of a Heat. Ideally, I’d prefer to do it your way. But here’s me slimming down, so for now, I won’t get a mixer. Though it would make more sense :slight_smile:

But it does speak to the flexibility of the Blackbox that you can do this kind of internal patching around with the ins and outs and get this to work without the need for outboard gear.

Makes me dream of a “Blackbox Pro” that has even more ins and outs :heart_eyes:


It worked for this character! :crazy_face:

Awesome tip, thanks :slight_smile:

As an aside, would it be possible to sequence the Novation Circuit from the BB? How long could the patterns be, in that case?
I’m trying to understand if I would be better off just sending clock to the Circuit or use it as a Synth and take advantage of the awesome sounds :slight_smile:

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