1010music Blackbox

I like that BB doesn’t try to be too many things, and what it does it does well without fuss, not too much menu diving and no cryptic button combinations, quite refreshing and elegant.

There really isn’t that much I’d like to see added, the main one would be sample rate/bit depth to be chosen, I’d actually prefer 44.1/16bit for most of the time.


i was thinking about getting one of these to put in my mobile setup (with digitakt+Digitone, Lyra8)… looking for a way to record tracks, not multitrack, but just layering stereo tracks, and was hoping to use this to record longer sketches and avoid having to hook up the laptop everytime…

Is this possible on the 1010?

Yes. It can record long samples.

Thanks for your quick reply!

and is it relatively easy to run multiple longer samples simultaneously i song mode?

Very easy. Just launch them and look at them go.

You’re gonna miss more sample slots, in time. Not now, perhaps. But eventually. That’s like my only real gripe with it, one that will require me at some point to get something to slap onto this, as I put together longer sections for a show, to play live.

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great! And is it by any chance possible to save songs as multitrack files, ready to import into my daw?

Try putting sample chains into the new slice mode… you will still need to dedicate a pad to a sound you want to play with the keys, but everything else, especially drums, can be easily ‘folded’ into one pad.

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Yes, I’ve tried it some and the new update is cool, but I use a lot of 64 or 128 bar recordings, basically long and improvised sections as clips, so the new slice feature won’t add that much for me in that respect.

But putting all one shots in one file and lock them to one slot, and let multiple sequences trigger that slot, certainly goes some way in the right direction, though.

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Not that I’m aware, no. So I don’t think you can export a batch of sequences or songs into multitrack, DAW-friendly stuff.

Ok, but if your recordings already are at 2^n bar lengths, what’s to stop you chaining those together, to create longer 2^n bar clips that you can slice? Ofc, I agree more slots would be handy.

I suppose it’s worth a shot. The files would be gargantuan in terms of time and size, and the Blackbox isn’t alwasy responding so well when you really push it. But I suppose I need to do just that, to find out if this works or not.

Do you know what those .als files are? I am curious. Something something ableton when I looked it up. But I don’t use ableton so I have no idea how useful those files are. I saw someone on the forum said they were able to convert sequences from ableton to the xml file. There might be a way to convert the sequences. So while they are not multi tracking they are at least able to preserve the sequence somehow.

I have one set with 4-5 2048 bar files running in parallel. The file size is not really a problem, in my experience.
I hit the limit more often when playing lots of short multisamples or playing chords with a lot going on besides that, i.e. heavy FX and polyphony on a lot of pads.
Also dependent on the card used…

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Here is an example xml file that one of my projects saves:

And here is the example als file it saves:

Unclear if that helps but there is data! It knows what WAV files point to what and has note data, etc…

There should be a way? I don’t have Ableton but I would assume there is enough to work with here.

Well, that certainly would work for me. So this is actually starting to look like a pretty decent workaround. Thanks for the advise, I’m going to try this by stringing together one of my two shorter jams into one, and see where it leads. Very cool.

You can open the .als files in ableton, giving you a clip view representation of your ‘Pads’ section on the BB. No sequences and no song mode export, but fine for taking a ‘Pads’ jam further.

Exporting from ableton to a BB preset is made possible by a user effort that works just fine if you follow a few rules, as explained on his site: http://www.oscillatedspace.com/MaxPatches/BBLiveConvert1.00.zip



So the xml file (saved side by side with the .als) seems to have “note” (pitch) data of the sequence:

    <seqevent step="0" chan="262" type="note" pitch="72" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="6" chan="262" type="note" pitch="72" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="8" chan="262" type="note" pitch="74" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="10" chan="262" type="note" pitch="75" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="12" chan="262" type="note" pitch="72" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="14" chan="262" type="note" pitch="74" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="16" chan="262" type="note" pitch="72" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="18" chan="262" type="note" pitch="74" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="22" chan="262" type="note" pitch="72" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>
    <seqevent step="24" chan="262" type="note" pitch="74" lencount="1" velocity="100"/>

I would assume a combination of both files could get pretty far in some kind of conversion.

You’re welcome, and cool jams, by the way!

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Thank you :slight_smile: I’m not there yet, but it’s getting somewhere.