1010music nanobox lemondrop : new granular synth

What it really needs to be is built in to the black box OS as a paid option or it will just be a mess off in out cables…sort of defeats the object of this form factor for me….I would rather stay in the (black) box!

Ehh It’d be a lot more compact than rolling with a pedal and those io cables, and I’ve been doing that

All sorts of theories on the thread for that device. But the video on insta sounded like a sampler and polyend have some existing granular capabilities with the Tracker so it could be a non-tracker groovebox focused more on granular. I hope they say more before the expected release at some music show in May.

OP-Z green line module also won’t be out for a little while so I don’t need to rush to a decision on lemondrop yet.

This was unthinkable years ago. I could see Jarre doing a live concert with a few lemon bon bons and liquorice sticks. :partying_face:

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I have gone back and forth between really wanted this and seeing its utility in my setup, to reminding myself that I have other available options with my Norns Shield and ios apps. The main thing I keep coming back to though, is the fact that it’s so self-contained and has all of the io that I need for pairing with my Octatrack or M8 (my Norns has all the io I need but it also has noise issues when both audio in and usb inputs are being utilized)…

…so I’m justifying the idea of purchasing this thing now, but i’m realizing that my initial conflict wasn’t about money or the concern of adding to my growing pile of gear (true concerns.) It was mostly about the fact that a lot of people aren’t into the Lemondrop and won’t be purchase it, which means there won’t be a large community of people talking about it, sharing their tracks that they made with it, or giving tips. Maybe that sounds silly, but GAS is silly, and also complex- it’s not just about the promise of what a particular object can do for you, but also about the community that you’re buying into, and the hope that the company created the device will continue to support it.

ok, enough waxing. I’m off to the checkout to purchase the Lemondrop. I like it a lot and know that I’ll get use out of it. I’m looking forward to talking to the three others who will also end up owning it.


This discussion finally directed my to Granulizer 2. Yes it’s a plugin - please don’t beat me too hard. :shushing_face:

For me wanting to create some atmos and pads from time to time (and not every day!) without spending much money it’s the way to go. And of course I could have waited for the next sale and get it a lot cheaper but I wanted the license now and appreciate dev’s work.

I’ve never bought a piece of gear for these reasons, but it’s an interesting viewpoint I’d never thought of.

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Does anyone know if it only comes in yellow colour? Will there be a black version released?

Big granular synthesis user here. I’ve never found my dream granular standalone hardware for live performance:

Had a GR-1, gorgeous hardware and slick granular sound. But for the price tag, there were too many weaknesses for me: Envelop response was weird and no fun to use. FX are very meh sounding. No per-voice filter (it’s basically a paraphonic synth). Sounds drop with too many voices/grain lenght (I’d rather have a well-constrained synth where I can play music without fear of unwanted glitches). Convoluted file/patch system. Felt very frustrating at the end of the day.

Also owned the microgranny, great crunchy sound but not a colour you may always want, and convoluted/limited in many ways too.

Plinkly looked like an intriguing alternative but the left-field UI kept me on the fences.

With all that in mind, the lemondrop seems fantastically focused, quite flexible with the 3 OSCs + sequencable FX + live input and it has the proven 1010music UX with the nice X/Y performance addition. Instabuy for me and super excited about it!


If it were me I would just get a Nebulae and a small euro case if this were my goal. The colors are ugly.

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I did - the Roland MC-101. Several forum members bought one, posted videos, tracks, etc. - people with lots of previous experience with synths, grooveboxes, etc. I wasn’t interested in the MC-101 until these particular people did all those things. Made me wonder what wonderful things did they see in this box that I was overlooking.

Several months later, most of them sold theirs for the newer and shinier. Grrr… Oh well, I’m having fun even with less company around.

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I don’t think I’ve ever consciously made a purchase based on this factor. A piece of gear’s functionality and use-case usually take precedence for me. But reflecting on the Nanobox reveal and how a lot of people have written them off, I’m realizing that my interest was initially affected by that. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but it made me question whether the Lemondrop was as cool as I initially thought, which is silly- it sounds like a dilemma a teenager would have about a certain fashion or musical artist.

I really just want the gear and companies that I’m interested in, to be successful and for there to be a healthy community of people that are excited to share their experiences with using said gear. That’s ok if it doesn’t happen with the Lemondrop. I already preordered one and look forward to filling it with a bunch of timbrally complex samples, turning them into my own synth patches to be sequenced externally and morphed with midi cc’s. Hell yes!


It’s on my watch list so you may have someone to chat with again soon…

I suppose the target market for these is younger people with a bit of disposable income, probably alongside a OP-Z etc.

I’m not too interested, mainly based on the form factor, I’m pretty certain I’d find them a bit too fiddly, and I really don’t like touchscreens on gear.

Still they look pretty decent as all of 1010 gear does, I reckon they will sell well even given the price.

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I watched the sonic state review. When they said, who is this for? My first thought was

Bright colours, a bit expensive, tiny, makes weird noises. Kinda not really that useful.

Ticks all those boxes.


I think I’m a Youtuber and I really want it so you might be right, lol.


the 35-45 year old gas head reverb pumpers.

I wouldn’t be too surprised if these are a cautious niche batch by 1010.
They could be cheaper and sell very well if 1010 were more confident and designed them as chameleons for multiple firmwares. Think they’ve missed a beat if that’s not the plan.

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@topo_explo Good on you. I ordered one and am looking forward to using it, so you are not alone. I get that it is not going to be to everybody’s liking. If someone says that they don’t want it, I just ignore that; I know what I have been looking for and as soon as I saw this I thought that it might be the perfect device.

I’ve been waiting for a Norns Shield, but who knows when they will be available. The Polyend Tracker and Microgranny have limited granular capabilities and the GR-1 is just way too much for what I want. $399 might be too much for some people, but I think it might be just what I want and so I’m willing to spend that compared what the GR-1 costs…I especially am happy to support 1010 music in making cool innovative gear.


It is me :sweat_smile:

But … if I’m reading this right, on the home screen the two knobs control the X-Y axis modulation. Couldn’t one of those be assigned to volume ?