1010music Nanobox Razzmatazz

Man, i can’t even quote Lou Reed without offending someone. Sometimes the internet is too much for me.
Next time i’ll quote Stefan Prins, promise


That’d be a person that I’d be actually familiar with, although I prefer Rebecca Saunders and Brian Ferneyhough :wink:

I had a Razz in hand for about a week.

Size was great for travel, and I thought their approach to step sequencing on a touch screen was novel and worked well.

However, it was completely impossible to finger drum on because the unit detected two finger touches next to each other as a single touch. Was this a problem with the unit I had, or is that the general experience of Razz owners?

That plus the fact that the support forum seems completely dead, prompted me to return it.

I haven’t noticed the double touch issue, but I rarely finger drum on this machine.

About the support forum, it’s true there’s not much going on. As I noted above, it looks like 1010Music are focusing on the Black/BlueBox at the moment. Owning a BlackBox as well, I can tell you their updates are extensive. I just hope the Razz won’t be sidetracked for other better selling machines.

I kind of want to try one again, I never ran anything into it and that’s really cool! I think it sounds so damn good, I hope there’s updates to it.

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Really a shame you can’t chop loops in this, but it’s helping me stick to No Gear 2023. I certainly hope they extend the clip functionality a little bit and lemme slice up some audio, it’d be the perfect micro sampler then

I’m afraid this would overlap with the BlackBox, which they are also trying to sell… But yeah, let’s hope they do that one day.

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since you focus on getting samples, to me the sp 404 mk2 and the mpc one come to mind. the mpc is exceptionally powerful, the sp should also better suited to the task youre trying to accomplish. or maybe switch to an octatrack?

no i had the same, its kinda frustrating because the finger drumming almost works great. but if you play two pads next to each other it sometimes doesnt register properly.

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In my case I was never able to get two pads next to each other to fire simultaneously. It seems like whatever algorithm they had used to detect multiple touches was poorly implemented or perhaps it’s an inherent limitation of the touchscreen model they spec’d.

For me this was a limitation I just couldn’t accept in a $400 piece of kit, no matter how much I liked the size and the innovative screen based sequencer.

Thanks for reporting the difficulty in adjacent touches, folks. Sorry it’s been a problem!

I’m bringing the report back to the team for investigation and prioritization.

Thanks for the interest in our products!!


I just finished reading this entire thread due to my interest in the Razzmatazz…I have a Nano Fireball on the way for my first foray into the Nano series.

A few takeaways from my read regarding the RT: There’s a size & price correlation for a few despite the features being abundant. Not being able to slice like a typical sampler is disappointing for some. Some are quick to dismiss & say you can do it on an iPad. A few positives are that navigation is really good, sounds are there to be had & further explorered, it plays well with other gear, & the fx & modulation offer lots of variation.

Have a good one,