1010music Nanobox Razzmatazz

Hm, or M8’s sequencer good MIDI food for the Razz…
Lots of delicacy ahead! :yum:


i havent used the m8 but the reason why i like the razz is because its laid out really well as a drum design unit. it might be worse off in a feature comparison but for me interface is very important. so having fm drums + filter (etc) + sample playback + fx laid out in the way its laid out in the razz software is what makes the unit worthwhile.


For what it’s worth, I LOVED the sound and even the workflow. The size simply didn’t work for me in this case. The lemon drop and fireball work better in this format IMO. I’ve even been tempted to get another one, but the size- it’s hard in this case to not just opt for an iPad and patterning or sugar bytes.


drum computer is great but i still cant say i understand how their modules work. i think the alternative might be picking up a used digitone. and yeah, i have problems with the size too but im still in the trial phase. i think mapping out the parameters on my faderfox might help. having the razz on a bigger screen would be amazing.

I was one of the first to get the Razzmatazz, but I returned it because I couldn’t figure out how to use it. Now, I’m thinking about buying it again to connect it to my Digitakt. I think this combination makes sense for me in two ways:

  1. I can use the 8 MIDI tracks on the Digitakt to sequence the Razzmatazz, giving me 16 tracks with samples (plus 8 dual oscillators).
  2. With the latest update, the Digitakt has become a great platform for processing loops. At least for me, it’s now much easier. The only problem is that the 1GB ROM isn’t enough when working with loops. Therefore, I’m looking for a way to retrieve loops from an SD card with a device.

I believe this is possible with the sample track of the Razzmatazz. I can find a loop on the SD card, play it on the Razzmatazz, sample it into the Digitakt, and then look for the next loop.

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I’m not sure I fully understand the loops part in your plan.

Having owned one, you probably know that the Razz can just play one sampled loop per kit. I believe it time-stretches this sample when tempo changes, but I haven’t really tried that. If you don’t need this tempo time-stretching, I think you can theoretically use each pad to play loops set to your tempo?

That’s correct. I don’t need more than a single loop track. My aim is not to play as many loops simultaneously as the Blackbox can, for example. My idea is different:

Imagine the Digitakt with an SD card. While the 1GB memory on the Digitakt is nice, it quickly fills up with loops. However, I can’t insert an SD card into the Digitakt. So, I need a device that can loop audio files and receive start/stop commands via MIDI. If I need a loop from a specific genre, I can find it on the Razzmatazz and sample it with the Digitakt. Then I can continue to use the loop in the Digitakt. On the Razzmatazz, I can either search for a new loop or use it as a synth in a “normal” way.

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Oh I see
That’s a clever workaround

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Hmm, this got me interested! I quickly went to youtube, and as usual hated most of what I heard. I may just try one out and see if it sounds like Volca Drum (thumbs up), or just a fast delay (thumbs down).

You might as well try a mengqi wingie 2 if you really want to resonate.

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I also have a VD - which I love, and heavily use as sample fodder for the Razz, as a matter of fact.

The resonator doesn’t sound the same. I would say it’s much more aggressive on the Razzmatazz. It reminds me of what you get when you go extreme with feedback on a guitar amp - if that means anything to you.

On the same settings page (so-called “drum effects”), you also have access to sample rate reduction (which sounds really really nice, somehow like an overdrive sometimes) and bit crushing (not so interesting as SRR, IMHO, but usable).

On top of that, among the master effects, there are three types of distortion and a modulated comb filter that can get pretty radical.

Well, sorry for the tedious list, my point is: if you want to go dirty with this machine, you definitely can.

(Oh, and I definitely agree with you regarding the demos on the web: they really don’t do justice to this machine)

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That things looks cool, however I only buy things with full parameter recall and the ability to receive program changes, or being fully midi controllable :wink: Edit: I just see, it /is/ fully midi controllable?

Hmmm!!! I have to try it out :wink:

There’s a demo video somewhere (on this thread?) showcasing the DigiTone (I think) processed through the master FX of the Razz. It’s one of the videos that convinced me there was something to do with this machine.

EDIT: found it

(especially toward the end)


this one?

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Yes, that’s my video. It’s a bit rough, but my main goal was to show what makes the Razzmatazz unique and how it can be transferred to other machines.


Mix, decay and volume parameters are modifiable with midi CCs.
No parameter changes.
But come on, take a walk on the wild side.

It’s really good <3

Just the FX processing power of this machine somehow justify the price. There are pedal FX out there that cost almost as much and don’t offer really much more.

Pity the master FX can’t be controlled via MIDI. Maybe in a FW update? My fear is, judging from the scarcity of videos on the web, I don’t feel they sold loads of Razzmatazz’s, so maybe it won’t get high priority for FW updates. 1010Music seem pretty busy updating the Black/BlueBox already. But the machine in its current state is already really fun to use anyway.


Make your music as you wish. I keep making my mild tunes mild.