2 Channels Always Go To Main Outs via Overbridge - Help Pls!

I’m finding that channels 3 and 4 (RS & CP) always go to my main outs via Overbridge into my DAW, despite “SEND TO FX” being unchecked for them and all channels. This happens with all kits, and the sound gets sent even if I turn off all FX sends. Is this a known bug, or is there something I’m missing? Or maybe there’s something wrong with my hardware?

I have an MKII. I’m on a Mac 12.6.2. The Rytm has 1.61E and I’m using Overbridge I’ve tried both the VST3 and VST versions of the plugin in both Ableton 11 and Cubase Pro 12.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

EDIT: I just tried it with as well. Same problem.