2 new user ?s: Sample-to-Sound & Same Pattern, different Track

  1. When & how does a Sample become a Sound so that it can be added to the Sound pool?

I created a pattern that uses a Sample on Track 8.
I want to audition each of the Tracks’ 1-7 Sounds using this same pattern.

  1. How can this be done?

Thanks so very much,

  1. SOUND MANAGER > copy to… SOUND POOL. I think the sound needs to be saved to a BANK or +Drive to be added to the POOL

  2. copy and paste PAGE: copy- PAGE + RECORD, paste- PAGE + STOP (In GRID RECORDING mode).

  1. Samples aren’t available in Sound Manager for copying.

a) Make the Track where the Sample was loaded via Quick Assign the active track; in this case, Track 8.
b) Open Sound Manager, then left arrow - View Pool
c) Scroll down to the empty slot so that it is highlighted. (In this case, Slot 8)
d) Press the right arrow, then select Save To Here.
e) Rename & tag if desired. Select Save>YES.

Thanks to Kpucski for responding.

I haven’t found a way to do this with Sounds in the Browser or Pool, but Samples in RAM can easily be auditioned in a pattern.

With the Track & its SRC page selected, and with the pattern playing, turn Data Entry knob D.
This allows you to audition items in RAM as they play the current pattern.

Thanks for the help.