2 Overbridge Issues

I realized I haven’t put nearly enough time into my Analog Keys and Overbridge yet, and two things are frustrating me with it:

  1. No matter what, track 1 always triggers when receiving input when connected to OB despite being on a different track, regardless of if the source is the AK keyboard or from Ableton Live. I cannot find any way to change this, and it makes the whole thing pretty unusable. I’m chalking this up to user error but it’s really driving me nuts.

  2. Can you not route the audio from a track in your DAW to the external inputs in Overbridge to use the AK’s filters? I’ve seen this demonstrated by Elektron in videos on OB, but I spent many hours yesterday trying to route Reaktor ensembles to the AK without joy. The only routing option I see in Live is for the Sidechain inputs, and no way to route to the external inputs (despite the inputs being selected as an input source in Live).

Relevant data: OB 1.10 beta (and corresponding AK OS…I’ll upgrade in a few days once I see more reports that everything is working), Ableton Live Suite 9.6.1.

Bump…can anyone give me some insight? Thanks!

hey bud, not much to contribute … other than " hey I have the same problem",
it’s discussed here:


it made me shy away from OB right away so i can’t even tell you whether this issue persists in the final release. (nor can I comment on your other problem) will follow this thread to see if you have better luck

It works. First, go into OB control panel and turn on Track 1 on output to RYTM (the right side of the control panel.) Next in live load the AK plug in and open it up. Inside the plug in find the sidechain set up and set In1 L to Track 1. Then in Live select the audio track you want to send to the AK and change its audio out to sidechain 1. All you then need to do is have track 1 audio in to be Ext on the AK and audio monitoring enabled for Track1 in Live to hear the sound.

Dunno how I missed your thread before, but that is disheartening. Have you tried contacting support? I may update the AK’s OS and OB tonight and see if I have any better luck, and then contact support if there is no change.


It works. First, go into OB control panel and turn on Track 1 on output to RYTM (the right side of the control panel.) Next in live load the AK plug in and open it up. Inside the plug in find the sidechain set up and set In1 L to Track 1. Then in Live select the audio track you want to send to the AK and change its audio out to sidechain 1. All you then need to do is have track 1 audio in to be Ext on the AK and audio monitoring enabled for Track1 in Live to hear the sound.[/quote]
I’ll give this a shot tonight. Cheers!

Dunno how I missed your thread before, but that is disheartening. Have you tried contacting support? I may update the AK’s OS and OB tonight and see if I have any better luck, and then contact support if there is no change. [/quote]
ya, like you, I thought it was due to a user error and the rather sparse response to my thread (and the fact that OB was in beta back then) made me just shrug and move on. all I wanted was 2 additional audio inputs via USB … let us know how you get on =)

@Accent, did you get to test this with the new OB by chance?

@tasmansea No, I still haven’t. Meant to give it a shot over the weekend with the new update. I will give it a go this week however and report back.