2022 Gear: Hits and Misses



Never gave the Deluge any serious thought. Don’t know why, maybe the lack of screen. Does it run on usb power?

Was eyeing a Polyend Tracker at the moment.

It does run on usb - which charges the battery, or a 9v source. For versatility, unbeatable. Occasional freezes, and remember to save regularly, but it almost always leaves a smile on my face.

The Tracker is it’s own thing and the 128 steps elevates it, but it still doesn’t (imho) top the Octatrack.

It’s stateful, so shut it down, or power cut, it saves its state. Refreshing and comforting. Many effects are OTT for what I want - not a glitch fan.

Dub thing here is pure tracker.

Balearic champers pure Octatrack.


Cool stuff! Thanks for all the info. I already own an Octatrack, but I use it more as a brain/mixer in my setup. So I was looking for something that can double as a drummachine/sketchpad/simple hardware daw. Besides being a couch device, I also want to feed it into the OT, together with my Digitone. Going to watch a couple of Deluge-vids!

EDIT: wow, see now that the Deluge is 1300 euro’s. That makes it a no go for now, can pick up a second hand tracker for around 450 here. I guess Deluge is much more versatile, but I first have to sell my OT for that one :slight_smile: (something I wasn’t planning short term)


That is exactly my experience with the deluge.

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basimius Iteritas alter + more eurorack

Misses (sold):
Quandrid Swarm
Korg Electribe 2

Boyyy i tried lots of gear this year. Happy things will stay as they are for a while now…

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Me too…I keep buying other gear but wont sell my MK3 as it just works…dont know why I just dont use it more.

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Well, since I don’t think I am going to be buying anything else this year I thought I would do my hits/misses for the year keeping it to three each.

Waldorf M: The most characterful digital/hybrid synth I have ever tried. The YouTube demos don’t do it justice, it sounds amazing.
S2400: Definitely some things I wish it did better (resampling!), but if I could only have one sampler this would be it. Best sounding modern sampler period. Excited for the analog filter and DSP boards.
Squarp Hapax: The quickest and most intuitive hardware sequencer I have used. Finally something to kill my gas for a cirklon :slight_smile:.

SP-404MK2: A lot to like about this one. Sampling has never been simpler (just plug a usb cable into my phone and hit the EXT button!), it can be used as a great little effect box, a recorder, etc. But it just didn’t fit into my setup or workflow and I found myself never using it. I am beginning to realize that anything with trs midi is basically telling me not to buy it.
Model:Cycles: It felt like it was specifically designed to get me frustrated enough by minor missing features so I would just buy another elektron box. And also everything I made with it sounded like the music you hear playing on the speakers at the GAP or Forever 21. Also has trs midi but I didn’t take the warning seriously again.
Technics SL-1210GR: Couldn’t ask for a better record player for sampling, but it just made me appreciate the modern conveniences we have. No one needs to be sampling from records anymore, sorry. On a related note I was recently talking with a prominent YouTuber who does a lot of videos of sampling from records and he agreed with me and said he just does it on his YouTube channel because that’s what people like to watch and it gets him more views. No one is watching me so I just found it unnecessary in the end.

Maybe it’s time for me to do NGNY in 2023 lol…


anytime I buy something with minijack outputs or TRS MIDI, it ends in regret.


S2400 doesn’t resample or doesn’t do it well?


after long time rebought it.
because songmode.
rly. i love it!

cre8audio niftycase
not because it’s bad (it isn’t!) - i should’ve bought a bigger from the beginning.
eurocrack, you know!


Nothing wrong with the tracker imho. It’s lots of fun, and you can do most things with it, with some workarounds for time stretching.

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Just bought one, will be here in a couple of days. Hope that I can add it to my hits in 2022!

No experience with tracker workflow, very curious if it will click.

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I think it’s a love or hate machine, but for me it clicks like nothing else and ideas and finished tracks just fall out of it.


What appealed to me while watching reviews/tutorials, that it looks like you are always working in song mode. As in: it’s maybe a bit easier to build up a track, have a fill/break and so on, working to the end of a track. But maybe that’s a wrong assumption.

I’ve only bought 2 things this year:

MacBook Pro 14 inch
Roland SP-404 MKII

Both are absolutely great and I need to spend more time with them!


You work in patterns, but the song mode is very powerful and it’s very easy to cut and paste between patterns and do quite sophisticated automation so making whole songs is easy.

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Together with extreme couchability that’s exactly what I am looking for (and didn’t find in the OP1-Field)

–Waldorf Iridium, most expensive single-item purchase in the past 7 years, but worth it, and I got a good deal. First one was dead on arrival, but got another one a few days later, and has worked flawlessly since upgrading the firmware.
–Squarp Hapax. Ordered in May, arrived in September. It has become the center of my studio. So many features. So useful. So much fun.

Not Sure:

–Conductive Labs MRCC. Already getting good use from it, so not a miss, but the jury is still out on whether it will be able to manage USB MIDI in and out of my computer the way it should.

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This seems like a big miss… like 4 or 5 albums worth of misses there. :eyes: