2022 Gear: Hits and Misses

XAOC Devices Hrad expander for Praga mixer

It took a long 12 month search to find my Hrad expander for the Praga mixer! Great aux send/return to use with my modular FX units and mute buttons. Now my eurorack mixers and sequencers are complete in my cases.

There is a kludge workaround with the looper but otherwise no.

Got the 4 Albums on my harddrive :wink:
But yeah, just didn’t like them that much…


Odd. I was on pre order but had to cancel for house costs. Would like to pick one up down the road.

What problems have you run into?

You can do loads with Tracker. Each page is a pattern of up to 128 steps in 8 tracks. Any instrument/effect per step - but a new step cuts the prior one).

You can move to page 2 either copy paste or start from scratch. And so on. There’s a sequencer mode to play pattern chains. On the fly repeat.

Plus an fx mode where you can add preset fx (hi pass level, reverse sample etc) on selected tracks.

Massively versatile and oodles of fun.


I may have misspoken. I need to really explore how to use the USB ports on the MRCC with other devices (including my Mac and Hapax) properly before concluding that the problem is with the MRCC and not my own ignorance When I look over at the forums at Conductive Labs, though, there’s a lot chatter about problems with USB connectivity and unfinished firmware issues with the MRCC, so I am probably jumping to conclusions.

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Hit: Analog Rytm mk I

This is like what I wanted from Digitakt plus a great synth engine. Very easy to use, works extremely well with the OT and unlike the DT there’s little to no overlap with the two .Best drum machine of all time? I say yes.

Only negative is that the dual vco is quite harsh and sound a bit digital oddly. Needs a fair bit of tweaking to get usable.


They work so well together!

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  • Buying a house and putting a “studio” in it. Waited WAY too long for a place to put my drums.


  • 1010 Bluebox. IDK, it was aight, but not aight enough to survive the great moving purge of 2022.
  • Not being able to afford a Syntakt. Goddamn I want one so bad.

Ditto on buying a house and putting a studio in. The basement.

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Hit: Yamaha BX-1 bass from 1987 x 2. Got the itch to play bass again and found one for sale in really good condition in the UK so decided to pull the trigger as these are quite rare, in the UK anyway. It’s a delight to play, sounds really good and the quality is phenomenal, then another one came up for sale so I just couldn’t miss the opportunity. It turns out they were both made in April 1987, 23 days apart in the same factory in Taiwan.
Miss. Jomox Alpha Base. It’s no secret that the Alpha Base doesn’t have the best interface but I was willing to accept that for the sound, however, after the honeymoon period had passed I was becoming increasingly frustrated by the awkwardness of the device, the lack of visual feedback, often having no clear idea how to get from one state to another and and how easy it is to accidentally lose the pattern or sound you are working on, also the sequencer was acting up despite being an extremely basic one. Add to that the high price for a machine which apart from the analog kick and snare is just a sample playback device through analog filters and a rather basic one at that plus an fm synth which is really just a bit of a novelty when all is said and done. It just kept coming up short compared to the analog Rytm and after it had sat there for 3 days untouched I decided to send it back. I couldn’t face the amount of hassle required to get it functioning the way I wanted it to and ultimately I just don’t think it’s worth the money for what it does. Yes the kick sounds amazing and it’s really easy to get a good kick sound quickly but the Jomox M Base can be had for under £300 and after working carefully with the Rytm I’m getting very similar results and results which definitely can’t be achieved on the AB so it’s back you go matey, auf wiedersehen.

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Its been a crazy year. Think im done for 2023 / 24


Octatrack Anniversary Edition
Apple Mac Studio (whoops forgot this)

On the Fence (translation - not had time to play)

OP-1 Field


Bitwigs behaviour to current active plan subscribers but they redeemed themselves
Hologram Microcosm

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This year had only hits no misses:

Hydrasynth ASM … My 1st hardware synth, finally real knobs
Torso T1 … who needs Elektron stuff :slight_smile:

Suhr Hombre … unbelievable amp, after 10 years of using a Kemper a revelation
Wampler Metaverse …a decent little delay pedal, not to fancy

Gretsch Catalina Studio… I finally had to buy my own drum set, because my brother-in-law needed his set for his band. I love it…


Ableton Live Suite
MacBook Pro 14’’
Launchpad X MKIII
Empress ZOIA (2nd time)
Selling all my hardware (Digitakt, Minitaur, Hologram Microcosm, Neumann TLM-102, Empress Echosystem, Meriz Enzo, Arturia Microfreak, and a few other pedals).

Hologram Microcosm
Neumann TLM-102

I started to work fully in the box and it has been my most productive year since 2018. Do not worry about hardware, GAS, and what machine sounds best lead me to fully work in my music. I’ll release an EP next Friday and I have enough music left to prepare another one to start next year.

The only thing I regret not have is the Moog Minitaur. I have not listened any other synth with such a good bass, so maybe I’ll buy it again next year.



Elektron Digitone especially with song mode feature!
Nux wireless guitar system- no more cables when jamming guitar riffs
Akamie’s Taiko
Logic DAW- so easy to use and great mix features
Overbridge- don’t know why I never used it before!


Knobula Poly Cinematic

Yeah, you have to have an analog bass synth, it is one thing I couldn’t go without. I sold all of my synths with keyboards this year except for my subsequent 37.



Finally making use out of my iPad instead of letting it be a Minecraft machine for my kids. :angry:

  • AUM
  • Helium
  • I didn’t buy Sunrizer. Probably the synth I’ve had on the iPad the longest, but I finally started using it now that I have AUM and connect it to my Digitakt.

New Digitakt keys. Looks/Feels brand new! My Digi hadn’t been getting much love this year because some of the buttons have been getting gunky… But NOW!

Speaking of Digitakt, bought a case for it, so now I feel comfortable bringing it to work to mess with during lunch. (After I wash my hands, of course!)


  • Digitakt keys! Why is this shitty rubber substance still used!? Glad it was cheap to replace them, but still… Regular ol plastic woulda been just fine.
  • AUM - Why the hell is there is no slave clock!? Still like the program, though.

While I’m super happy with getting more use out of my iPad. Especially with my Digitakt, I wish I didn’t have to buy an app for every single feature I want out of a DAW. Hope I can afford a new laptop this year. Nothing beats Ableton…

I was really light on gear purchases in 2022.


Denon Prime GO

No misses.


very few purchases so far, but only hits in the hardware department this year:

Squarp Hapax — best performance sequencer in the market in my book. So capable and perfomance focused, it’s my dream sequencer. There are a few things I hope they will add/change, but they are all minor features considering the overall package.

Vermona Mono Lancet - very nice and round sounding mono synth with a smooth filter. Modulation is (very) limited on this synth, there’s no proper midi/cv implementation without buying an extra piece of hardware for it…so I shouldn’t be all that excited about it, but the sound is just so great. I like to sample this one, stack it, process it, and make vibe-y samples for my samplers that way.

Dynaudio Air 15s - bought these used for an incredible price. Phenomenal monitors, they improved my setup 10x fold. Unfortunately the power supply in one of the speakers broke (shitty surge due to shitty electric wiring in the building I live in), so I have to get them repaired, but when they work they are my favourite piece of gear.

Acoustic treatment - an acquaintance who runs one of the major studios here in Berlin was selling the acoustic treatment from his B studio room, and I bought it off of him for a super low price. Again, really great purchase, I held off on acoustic treatment WAY too long, it improved my environment significantly. I realise now, producing and mixing without acoustic treatment and good monitors is like driving with your eyes closed.

On the software side, I bought more “deals” this year than I care to remember, but the truth is I’m not really using any of them so far, haven’t had much time this year due to work and when I do have some, I haven’t felt like turning on the computer for music making. So I guess all those purchases could be considered misses.