260 Free Drum Patterns for the Elektron Model: Cycles

I’m excited to announce this project I’ve been working on for a while now: 260 Free Drum Patterns for the MC. It is a translation of the book 260 Drum Patterns by Hal Leonard as project files for the MC.

Link to free download.

Transferring these files should be as easy as unzipping and dragging the 4 project files and presets from your computer to your MC in the newest version of the Elektron Transfer App. (I apologize for the messiness of the presets, I’m not super great with the transfer app and am worried if I clean it up the presets will be lost.)

The download includes a text file that shows the table of contents for the 4 project files.

Here is a compilation of some clips I (quickly) made using some of the patterns included:

Some notes/uses:
I started this project as a way to get more familiar with the MC and to improve my drum pattern knowledge. It can be used in multiple ways:

  • Study the patterns to get new ideas/get out of your old drum machine habits.

  • Focus on sound design skills rather than patterns.

  • Go places quickly using these patterns as a point of departure: simply open up a pattern you like, add trigs, add conditionals, tweak knobs until you’re in a new place. I find that transforming the hi hat into a rhythmic melody is fun and interesting. If you’re using this method I would highly recommend changing the name of the project file in your MC so you can reload the original patterns from Elektron Transfer easier.

  • Don’t expect great sound design/mixing. This isn’t meant to be the end, just the point of departure for some loops/songs. I tried to get this done relatively quickly and didn’t focus much on sound design. The snares are almost universally too loud, and in the last project everything is probably too loud.


Such a classic book - cool effort. :+1:

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Wow. Much appreciated. I’m sure your work will be a good companion on my first days and weeks with the M:C!

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Glad to hear this, It’s very good to just be able to jump on and start adding/manipulating things.

Nicely done. I won’t use it as I own the Samples, but I really think those two machines deserve a pattern exchange tool. I’m really frustrated by the stupid limitation of the box : you can’t properly build a kit and you can’t easily swap patterns. Is it 2021 ?

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Thanks for doing this. I just got the M:C and I’m attempting to create a good directory tree structure. I’ve created a directory above the root Factory directory called 0Kitz where I would be placing my own kit creations. I will create a Presets folder with folders BD, SNR, TOM, FX, etc within to store future presets from kits I make. I’m not sure of the structure set ups others are using so any advice would be appreciated. How do I install these presets you’ve kindly given away for free into say my 0Kitz directory using the Transfer app?

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That’s a question your gonna have to answer for me tbh. I specifically avoided putting the samples in folders because I have no idea how it will work and I tried to use a maximum of four tracks per pattern. This obviously means I had to use a lot of P-locks (for toms mostly).

Should I have dealt with this from the beginning of the process? Yes, but I did not. For these reasons the best way to install it is just drag all the presets/project files over and install. If you do undertake the work of sorting out the presets let me know how it works.

There are many strange limitations of the model machines coughpan lockscough, but they are definitely some of the best hardware in their price range.


Hey , super cool !
really nice patterns !, very util !
Thanks :pray:

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Hi, how do I get this to work? I copied the unzipped map to the Cycles, but what to do next? (not much experience with importing stuff in Cycles, sorry).


Edit: after the second time dragging and dropping with transfer, the projects showed up in the project menu. So all good. Thanks for all the work @Stupid_zen

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Can’t thank you enough for this! I dive into that book frequently to learn stuff and create some solid starting points, and you’ve made that incredibly smooth.
It’s been tons of fun so far, and I really appreciate you creating and (especially) sharing this! :+1:

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Thanks Jay, it’s my pleasure to bring this to you and any others that have found this useful. The act itself was very useful for myself to learn new drum patterns/patterns found within different genres, as well as giving me good starting points.

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