2xOT "DJ Set" (152 BPM Techno with my own productions) Vol. 2

Hi everyone,

I’ve done a liveset with the stems from my own productions in a dj style fashion with two Octatrack and a PlayDifferently Model 1.4 mixer. It’s the second time I’ve done an octatrack “dj set” :slight_smile: But now you can watch the session on Youtube or/and listen only at soundcloud. But I guess the video format is the interesting part for all of you :slight_smile:

The preperation in the OTs is really comprehensive because I had to produce 16 mini tracks with a working main loop. I produced it mostly on analog gear like Moog Matriarch, Behringer 2600, Behringer Deepmind, Elektron Analog Heat & Digitone and others. In the video you’ll see a live arrangement via OT scenes and oldscool dj mixing via Model 1.4 with Filtersweeps and volume control of the stems.For each OT: one fader for Beats and one for Bass & Melody.

I hope you enjoy this set :slight_smile: Influences came from a rainy day, the warmths of the Moog Matriarch and the cold feeling of some Dub Techno tunes.
