3/4 time - quantisation

I tried 3/4 time the other day, but quantising went completely crazy. Am I missing something? How can I quantise to 3/4 time? Cheers.

It should be exactly the same just the sequencer moves at a different speed

Sorry I don’t understand. I live-recorded a pattern in 3/4, applied quantisation and the notes went out of time, nowhere near their desired beat. I got the impression quantisation only works at 4/4?

Quantization per Track or Global?

Ooh that might be it. Let me take a look…

I thought you meant you were using the sequencer in 3/4 x
It will move them to the nearest trig if set to 4/4.

You can set the sequencer to 3/4 x to get it to quantise to 3/4

I set the metronome to 3/4. I can’t find how to set the sequencer to 3/4 :frowning:

Hit func+page then you can set the scale for all the tracks or per track by pressing func+yes…
The change the scale to 3/4x

Just looking up the menu, it’s not clear that scale is the same as time signature? It says x3/4 plays back the pattern at three-quarters of the tempo. How is that 3/4 time?

If you set the length to 12 it will be 3/4 time…
Eg… It will take the same time to do 12 steps as a pattern in 4/4 doing 16…

or you can do multiples of 12. 24 etc


Although the manual states that “SCALE controls the time signature of the track” that is not strictly true as what it really does is set tempo differences between tracks thus allowing polyrythms.

If you have say two tracks with a 4/4 time signature, just setting one of those tracks to a 3/4 scale does not give that track a 3/4 time signature because the accents will remain the same.

The easier way to achieve a 3/4 time signature is to reduce track lenght to multiples of 12 instead of multiples of 16.


Will that allow correct quantisation at 3/4 time?

I suspect that quantisation should not be a problem as long as you appreciate where your “bar down beats” are.

Say if you want to get the maximum number of 3/4 time signature bars (measures) from a single pattern you would set pattern length to 60 which would give you 5 bars.

However you have to note that the bar down beats will be at:
Page 1, trig 1.
Page 1, trig 13.
Page 2, trig 9.
Page 3 trig 5.
Page 4, trig 1.


Sounds like I have to kind of cheat my way to getting proper 3/4 quantisation?

The absolute easiest way to use non 4/4 time signatures with Elektron sequencers is to limit yourself to having only one bar (measure) per pattern.

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set it to 3/4x scale and try recording and see what happens

will do! Thanks bud. :+1:

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