3 synth techno setups

My next techno setup will be

Model Samples (for beats/breaks and samples)
Lyra 8 (for texture/noise)
Polivoks (for bass/leads)

I will be cheating a bit though, as I’ll be using my laptop as a kind of performance mixer with a Max patch I’m building that will handle audio routings and effects. Haven’t decided yet if I’ll just use the MS for sequencing everything or if I’ll build a few sequencers in Max. It’ll probably end up being a bit of both.

Of course this all depends on my Polivoks getting back from the repair shop before hell freezes over…


Analog Four MkII
iPad sequenced by Launchpad Pro MkIII (using A4 as audio interface)
Analog Drive

I’m using Analog Drive alongside the Analog Four for feedbacked distortion. I could free an A4 input up to add in another synth (do distortion dry/wet outside the A4), but I’m not sure I really need it. You don’t need that many parts with heavy feedback.

Perkons, Roland sh4d, EMX1.

The AR MK2, Bass Station 2, and the Minifreak are a nice combo for me.

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Double knot


Sexy setup. The mono is a techno beast, Surgeon’s been deploying one in his live setup now too


I’m starting something with TR-8S for drums and fm stuff, S-1, SP-404 mkII for samples, and m8/MB33 for acid and friends.

Ah, more than 3, cheating as well!

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Cue the pottery making scene from Ghost.


What would you recommend to pair with DT + DN?

Quadrantid Swarm

Both are excellent.

DB01 sounds good, has a great sequencer, built like a tank but has a couple of UI quirks (no volume knob) and a more limited sound pallette than the QS.

QS has a pretty wide pallette, a decent amount of controls/patch points and two filters is great. Build quality is dreadful though and it’s a bit fiddly to use, sequencer not as good as DB01.

Both are excellent for making banging techno.

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