3 Years of Brexit… what are your thoughts?

What is the difference, when it is a EU agreement to accept these violations of human rights?

It’s easy to point fingers at Greece, Spain, Hungary, Italy etc, but these countries do what they do on behalf of their membership in the EU and the dutoes they have within this set of aggreements

Do you have a link for this? I’m interested to learn more.

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Not trying to excuse it, but it’s not like Britain invented imperialism. It was Portugal followed closely by Spain, and that was largely a consequence of most of the Iberian peninsular being colonalised by the Moors for some 3 centuries. Then France, then Holland and Britain got in the game. On the other hand large parts of Central E and the Balkans were for centuries colonialized by other European powers and the Ottomans.

It can be argued that the EU itself is a Franco-German imperialist structure. German industry has benefited enormously from the lower exchange rate of the euro compared to the Mark, whereas Italy, which could, and regularly did, devaluate the Lira to remain competitive, since adopting the euro has effectively seen zero economic growth.

The EU’s import tariffs are a major hindrance to the development of Africa’s economies.

In the Czech Republic, most food products are now the same price as in Germany (and some products in the same wrapping are proven to be of lower quality), whereas the average wage is about a third. All over the former Warsaw Pact countries, mostly German industries bought up and mothballed enterprises that they perceived as having the potential to become competitors. Germany industry views its Eastern neighbours as a big pool of skilled but cheap labour.

Shame there’s no English translation of this book mapping the economic development of the Czech Rep over the passed 25 years: “How we became a colony”

Brussels acts in the interests of big finance and the big industrialists, not small business and citizens.

Throughout the west big finance and hedge funds such as Black Rock have been buying up everything with free money created by central banks and through fractional reserve banking. We’re fast heading towards Corporate Technocratic Feudalism with social credit scores as in China for the masses.

I didn’t intend to respond to this thread but there it is. My intention is to inject a few historical and economic perspectives for the sake of constructive discussion.


Very accurate and fact based comment, thanks!

I also did not mean to blame UK for being the first colonialists historically, but obviously very extreme and (still) quite identifying much with colonialism / imperialism. But this all has not much to do with the topic here, though this pointing at each other between EU and UK and this black/white point of view plays definitely a key role in the whole Brexit sentiment.

I just wanted to clarify that the EU is, by far, not the “peak of civilization” as it was described here so blatantly…

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The thing with cognitive bias is no one thinks it applies to them, spoiler alert it does, and manipulation of the public depends on it.


I think most people would understand which media is main-stream in the US/UK but appreciate where you are coming from - however it’s a term we are all familiar with in terms of what it represents… and it is regulated by gov agencies like Ofcom (UK) who are getting ever increasing power.

Who holds governments to account when they can step in and prevent opposing views? Why would anyone accept a form of media captured in this way, where they are limited in what they can say.

Why is the Head of Ofcom part of the World Economic Forum and who is she taking instruction from?

I’m just saying, people should investigate this stuff - and that goes beyond a google search (big tech) and Fact Checkers (owned by Pharma).

When you really truly start looking objectively and then consider how freedoms can and have been restricted and what is being put into place from a surveillance pov. It will put the fear of god into you. That’s ultimately why people don’t, they are too afraid to look into these things.

That’s fortunate for those who would try to conduct truly evil things because they consider most people cannot fathom what’s behind the curtain.

I would just say as dareneager pointed out to understand where the funding comes from - it may seem like there are opposing sides but much like the algorithms these outlets often work to divide & conquer.

Yes there are multiple forces at play from all over the world as well, however focus closer to home and what are own govs / parliaments are working on with the WEF along with the club of Rome influence. Listen to the conversations people at the WEF have in relation to transhuminism, taking away privacy and ownership. Then look at what is being tested and installed everywhere from surveillance perspecitive. Digital ID, 15 min cities, electrification controlled by iOT (look for research groups funded by the Rokefella brothers)… do it with an open mind…

I don’t want to share this stuff tbh, however it’s the only way to try and stop it happening. The poem that gentleman gave which I shared is a warning and anyone with children especially should stop worrying about what other people think of them and defend their freedoms.

When governments do power grabs it’s incremental and too many people have lost their sense of real danger.


They use the term here as well. And it’s used for any media outlet that is not “alternative”.

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Traditionally the left opposed over reaching corporations, the industrial military complex, globalisation, war, big pharma, and were in favour of nationalism, privacy, etc. Power corrupts.


Can you give an example of the left favouring nationalism?

People have invaded and taken over eachother since people existed, it’s a feature of resource acquisition and I don’t ever see it changing sadly.


Please keep contributing, it’s needed.


It’s existed all throughout history. Anti-nationalism, i.e. globalism, as a leftist cause has of course been around since the dawn of Marxism. Back then they called it Internationalism.

The idea that nationalism isn’t and never has been in the interest of left-leaning political parties is, in my opinion, just a result of social media’s effect on the oversimplification of nearly every aspect of life and discourse.


Ok, so you are drawing a distinction from “Jingoism” ?

we don’t want to fight
but by jingo if we do
we’ve got the ships
we’ve got the men & got the money too!

Throughout the 70’s and 80’s Labour eurosceptism and wanting to withdraw from the EEC.

More recently 2009 Gordon Brown with his “British jobs for British workers”

gotcha. thanks.

This is directed at nobody in particular, but I’m starting to rather dislike threads like these in our community, because I can’t help but start to develop favor or disfavor toward my fellow Elektronauts…

…not because of anyone’s political opinions, but the way they express them and carry themselves when behind a keyboard and screen.

Call me old fashioned, but I tend to imagine what I’m reading being said by the writer in person…and the tone can be offputting.


John Grey’s Straw Dogs is a really provocative and astute consideration of this subject. Humans often interpret technological progress as a consequence of advancement of the human spirit and intellect, whereas human needs, desires and instincts are essentially unchanged for millennia. We inherit technology and knowledge, but there’s no evidence that on an individual level our mental capabilities and instincts are in anyway more advanced than those of Bronze Age man.


Polarisation and over simplification of complex and multi threaded issues is a feature of a 2 party system, but people don’t want to hear that, they just want a simple choice to make, tick this box or that box, it is a flawed system.

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couldn’t this also be accomplished with a stimulating discussion about 90’s romplers?

