3 Years of Brexit… what are your thoughts?

Is that all you have… really…

At some stage people are going to have to just consider the content without trying to discredit it for something that cannot be helped. Youtube does not keep anything like this up for long.

See the Frank S nepp video above and consider perhaps its plausible to call MSM the extreme ones after all they were generally pro the Iraq war as just one example…

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Hopefully not, anyway I have a comment which is in a way related to music and equipment. I live in Italy and have some kind of ties with UK: some of my friends live there and some had left UK before and after Brexit, those who stay are facing more pressure and difficulties than before. For them London was THE place to go in the early 2000s, there was no other city in Europe with such opportunities like working but also for their art and music. Actually none of the people who want to leave Italy mention UK anymore because of Brexit naturally. Speaking of me, I wanted to come in London to play sometimes but got no passport plus my friends say it is better to spend my money in cheaper cities because London is expensive as f*** these days.
Also I was importing lots of eurorack kits from Thonk before 2017, the customs were fair, shipment was fast even if compared with nearer EU countries. After Brexit the customs could even match the exact amount of the good you buy!

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just a reminder: in modern global world, anything is not internal affair anymore, there’s always foreign activities in media, especially social networks, when it comes to manipulations.
russian impact on Brexit was HUGE because they’re interested in all kinds of splits in western world.
same about US presidental elections in 2020.


I’d say that anyone who is curious about global and national political and economic affairs should do their own independent investigation and research.

Look at funding sources for political parties and media companies.

Look at which individuals have personal interests in pharmaceutical, agricultural, military, and media companies.

Look at how some individuals are scrutinised and investigated whilst others are not.

Look at who funds protest organisations, does it appear to be in line with their interests and wealth?

Most of this information is available fairly easily, however beware of so called “fact check” sites, look into their ownership, whichever side of political lines they fall on, and take that into consideration.

Follow the money.

Make your own mind up.


Except that most people are not investigative journalist that, you know, have studied that field for many years.

“Do your own research” is what people often use to discredit other people’s opinions. And most people do not know how to actually do thorough research. Myself included. I’m not an investigative journalist and I’m not a scientist.

It’s good to be skeptical, but to disregard any media outlet because they are so called “main stream” or because they might look at things with a slight biased view, is taking things way too far imho. It’s a type of individualism that causes problems and creates polarization. Follow the money is certainly a good idea but it doesn’t tell us the entire picture as these media outlets are huge and journalists have a code of conduct to follow. Not to forget that a lot of journalist actually love their job and do their best to bring the news. To simply ignore all of that because “MSM” l, is just silly imho.

Read different media outlets from different countries and cross reference stories. Maybe check the sources etc. That’s easier than trying to do your own research and will provide you with a good picture of what is going on.

What a lot of people seem to think is ” “research” is not research at all. To even try and keep it unbiased or not fall for the bubble is difficult enough. To think that we are more unbiased than the big media outlets is pretty silly. Doing it as an individual, you have nobody fact checking you, no cross referencing, feedback, methodology, etc.
I mean, by all means do it, but you have to keep all that in mind. Being completely objective all by yourself is quite difficult.

Basically by saying “I did my own research” one is proclaiming to be a graduated investigative journalist.
“I did my own research into this medicine and it’s really safe”

I’ll pass :wink:


That was kind of my point - a lot of people just reference a limited number of sources, often only those which confirm their already held opinions.


Yeah I wasn’t necessarily disagreeing with you, but some of the earlier posts. And the “do your own research thing” just rubs me the wrong way a bit haha :slight_smile: It’s not really research. It’s just interest in what goes on in the world and reading multiple sources.

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I did my own research = Watched 3 youtube videos, and found one that matched my own viewpoints. The other two where clearly propaganda. :wink:


Really reported?

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A simple way that people can be influenced is with statistics which are only presented to support an argument, you see this kind of thing all the time especially in advertising but also in politics.

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Certainly. But at the same time statistics are super important to actually show solid research.

I think it’s especially important to educate people into how to read and interpret statistics for example. I think everybody has fallen for a bogus graph at least once in their lifetime.

Aaaaand there it is.

I was wondering how long before we were enlightened just who these “controlling families” are. How did I guess this would be the name?

I suppose I should be heartened by the 'nauts community as a whole that it took this long to get here.


Eeerrmm…people dying in the Mediterranean / stuck on Lesbos / imprisoned in Melilla would like to have a word on that…
Don’t plan on derailing this topic, but Eurocentricism and UK nationalism/imperialism are both quite equally disgusting…


Yeah, I was actually rather enjoying this post until I hit this bit and had to rub my eyes to make sure I hadn’t misread it or that it was satire or something.

The whole idea of calling one cultural heritage “greater” than all others . . . No.


You didn’t guess correctly. Soros was only mentioned later as an example of people who exert their wealth.

It’s pretty obvious who the families are, if you have some basic knowledge of banking.

@simonbradford It’s an immature response. Adults should be able to have discourse without resorting to labelling.

There are clearly conspiratorial acts going on around the world. To try and smear with these labels rather than focus on the actual content that is shared is just closed mindedness.

Try not to be so emotional perhaps and discuss rather than act this way.

@DaveMech - appreciate where you are coming from, however whilst some journalists may have integrity, you only have to view the video I shared with the C I A to consider the ramifications. The MSM could have stopped the Iraq war but chose to back it.

It should also be noted that in the UK Ofcom prevented any information that went against the gov narrative from being shared based on ‘emergency measures’.

We didn’t hear that from the MSM - where was the integrity then. So as much as journalists may want to run stories, they are at the mercy of the editors and owners who are in positions which are lobbied to heavily.

To think you are not being propagated to with the MSM is a little naive. Especially when the news is often bought to us by the likes of Pfizer…

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The term MSM is in itself ridiculous and an oversimplification to devalue investigative journalism. There’s really no use in arguing any further because the point of view is too far removed from being objective.


And yet… where was the investigative journalism under the Ofcom restrictions which MSM are confined to… how is that objective…

Lets call it Government & Pharma regulated news outlets then.

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“European culture” is being referred to here not individual countries political standing or internal handling of an ongoing migrant crisis.

You missed my point.

You call a gigantic amount of different sources “MSM” as if they are one body operating as a whole. There is no point in arguing with such a point of view imho. No hard feelings of course :slight_smile: