3 Years of Brexit… what are your thoughts?

so if it hasn’t culled the migration, as you claim, what’s the upside you’re seeing?

Apologies, I posted this in another thread previously, but it’s much more appropriate here.


Who cares of Brexit
Thread reported


A lot of people I’d imagine!

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The question for me is WHY doesn’t the UK take advantage of Brexit for tax purposes…? (to attract business / growth)

A key USP as to why Britain should leave the EU and prosper was to give the UK a competitive advantage. Whilst I didn’t vote for it at the time, I was 50/50 but didn’t vote to leave because I’m able to get an EU passport through grandparents and thus have the opportunity for free movement which at the time (before I realised how authoritarian the EU are along with UK gov).

For me that was something I didn’t want to take away from others when I have the opportunity to do so (I haven’t taken advantage of it yet).

My partner is Polish, we lived in London at the time, I loved meeting people from all over.

However, the one thing…and it’s big one… that I can’t understand… is why all the pro EU people here seem to ignore the undemocratic nature of the EU, the unaccountably - Why?

Why when people are against Corporatism do they give the World Economic Forum & Davos a free pass from criticisms and subversion of democracy?

Why do none of you take into account the bigger picture of the central world banks and how they pull the strings or do you really think the richest families on the planet aren’t pulling the strings to divide concur & control?

Nothing will ever get better until the majority learn how the world works above the levels of government.

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Because the Guardian doesn’t report on any of that…


And before you all start crying into your Chardonnay, I’m joking.


What’s Democratic about a corrupt tax cheat as chancellor.

I’d rather trust a sprawling multinational bureaucracy than most ‘sovereign’ governments with hands deep in the PPE coffers and new idea every election but nothing ever delivered.

The EU is a dream come true for poorer regions who actually got something out of it. I pity those impoverished areas outside of London who have seen their last EU structural funds building roads, bridges and cultural centres. All you have now are broadgrin visits from Boris is his fish processing overalls and lie, lies and more lies.


it simply pisses me off because it gives my kids far less options in the future.


Somebody mentioned lowering taxes for corporations as a benefit?

Out of these 8 tax haven cantons, 7 are pretty much broke and they get their money from left/liberal-leaning cities like Zürich, Basel or Geneva.

  • Lucerne. The canton of Lucerne applies the smallest corporate tax, imposed at the rate of 12,32%.
  • Nidwalden. 12,66%
  • Obwalden
  • Appenzell Ausserrhoden
  • Appenzell Innerrhoden
  • Zug
  • Uri
  • Schwyz. 15%

With all due respect, they aren’t comparable entities to the UK.

The UK is still one of the dominant countries in finance & tech.

Brexit is obviously an important topic, but please not here: this is a forum about gear, composition techniques, art and related off topic. If we start talking about politics in here, we’ll turn it into a sewer. People fight about these topics on Facebook every day and it’s so sad


Well nothing, but that’s really got nothing to do with how undemocratic the EU is.

But just like I said in the last Brexit thread, much easier to throw stones than build bridges.

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I agree with you, but there are other topics on this forum that are just as political and divisive. Why kill off this one in particular?

I flagged your flagging.



And that’s where I’m at. Surely there has to be a benefit, no?

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Brexit … what I never understood was:

  • Why did so many not check the facts?
  • Had so many forgotten about the Iran-war and those lies about “weapons of mass distruction” and “secret information from the internet”?

I had expected many more to think about this: “If you trick me once, it’s your fault, if you trick me twice, it’s mine.”

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I have faith that we will eventually figure it out.

But not until the current shower of clowns GTFO.

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Let me help out



MP’s on all sides have been fiddling the books. But yes the PPE was a scandal.

It’s easier to view the whole picture when you realise what complete sell-outs politicians are across the board IMO.

Look at all the insider trading going on across the political spectrum.

Fixit sound the best. Ours sounds the worst nexit. :orangutan:

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