3 Years of Brexit… what are your thoughts?

I’d also imagine the mods have their fingers hovering over the self destruct button!

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I counterflagged your flagging


Because they tended to say things like: “If it’s in a newspaper it must be true”.

(A direct quote)

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You’re a real kidster. And that’s not as bad as it sounds.

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You could have said ‘innovative’, ‘leading’ or ‘role model’. You chose ‘dominant’.
That has a strange aftertaste to me.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m an anglophile, but the British influences I appreciate the most are clearly cultural.
And all ‘innovations’ in finance can go stuff themselves, as can everyone trying to sell them to me.

Might as well have a laugh while everyone’s busy talking shit about things they don’t really understand anywhere near as much as they think they do.


Flagged for being too apropos.


Political and financial gains were shared with exactly the persons that Brexit was designed to improve the lot of.

Everyone else received the exact consequences those persons were willing (or hoping) to sacrifice.

Those wanting to return to an “ideal state of Western Civilization” are optimizing for fascism, and suffering/loss is virtuous to that end.


I know you said you were joking, but just in case …


I have a friend who is a fairly senior civil servant and it was fascinating listening to him explain the absolute shambles inside government around brexit and trying to untangle the spaghetti of all the systems and information being shared between EU countries. In short, it’s all held together with string and sticky tape.

The irritating thing for me is the inability to have adult discourse. There’s a huge continuum of opinion on every subject but the way politics is set up we’re all forced to choose one of two or three tribes and then we’re actively encouraged to take against the other tribes.

Not very helpful when we’re trying to solve complex problems. We were never going to know the long-term effects of Brexit for at least a decade and the short-term was always going to be messy for the reasons I mention in the first paragraph.

I always think it’s a shame that politicians aren’t allowed to say “we don’t know how this will play out but we’ll try our best”. Wouldn’t that be more honest.


I’m thinking I want to jam some gritty improv beats. Who wants to join? No talk of fish or immigrants allowed.

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That’s First Past The Post, confrontational politics for you. Roll on Proportional Representation and consensus politics.


I think you’d be pleasantly surprised at how big the “both these camps are full of shit” group is.

We’re just a bit difficult to notice behind all the hysterical bullshit.


You consistently come up with the best names for albums and bands.

And now on top of the pops is Both These Camps Are Full of Shit with their hit single “we’re just a bit difficult to notice behind all the hysterical bullshit”.


It’s not just “the way politics is set up”, politics is treated like a sport of rhetoric by the media, and faith is weaponized against good faith operators and legitimizing bad faith bullshitters.

“Both sides”!

I just wish there weren’t plenty of “all are full of shit” people who grandstand but only criticize one particular flavor of bullshit :frowning:

Not saying you, but there’s a bunch who hide behind claims of objectivity and rationality.


Both these camps are indeed full of shit. And they’re both benefitting from First Past The Post, which is making moving to Proportional Representation a bit tricky.

Another irritating thing (while we’re at it) is the inability for politicians and the media to say “there’s no one right answer” when that is, of course, the truth.

Nobody has “the answer” but we’re made to believe that we have to pick one or the other party that claims they do in fact have the answer.

I just want a little more honesty that a lot of problems are complex and the solutions are basically unknown so we have to try something.

It’s so easy for me to say it. Why can’t “they” say it?!

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That’s First Past The Post for you again … under FPTP there are only 2 parties that count, (98% of the time) and it all comes down to choosing one or the other. And the game is about about winning, not pragmatic policies.

I’m convinced the UK would be better off with Proportional Representation, no party big enough to win an overall majority, with the result that parties would need to negotiate on pragmatic policies in order to form a government, and work on a basis of consensus, not confrontation.

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Yeah, not me, I’ve never claimed to be either.

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