3 Years of Brexit… what are your thoughts?

Because they won’t get elected.

That’s one of the challenges of democracy. Don’t blame them alone, part of the problem is people want simple answers to complex problems.

Cambridge Analytica had its way with you, a propaganda campaign right out of 1984.

Leave Europe? And go where? You’re still right there, sandwiched between Ireland and France!

I was watching a movie set during WW2 the GBP was £1 to $5 USD, now it’s £1 :: $1.23

I’m worried about my cousins freezing because of their gas bills being raised £6000+ this winter.

Shorting the UKP was a wise decision, combine Brexit, passing of HRE2, the Queen, and the upcoming Scotexit. How far can it fall?

Speaking of Scotland, I hope they form a trade zone with Scandinavia and Iceland!


The key to long-term success is having good infrastructure, education and social security.
It isn’t lowering taxes for the rich while privatising profits.


My thoughts on Brexit three years in are that I really didn’t like the filter envelope and sound selection on it — didn’t like it back then, it sounded a little digital and brittle to me. I barely listen to it anymore, but whenever I do I still don’t like it and it still sounds off.

Of course the Eaton Boys don’t care about what I think about their tunes though, so there’s that too.

I do miss Britain though. We miss you. :heart:

Self serving and corrupt as fuck. The ruling class always have been. When the empire started to fall then ran off to the islands were they could keep being corrupt and self serving then the EU threatened that, so to hell with what the peasants say we’ll get them to believe anything.

Maybe one day these twats will be arrested.


Well many political disputes involve factual disputes, where there are definitive answers. And for me the most worrying thing is, that people (including politicians) can’t even agree on recognising these basic facts. The different question of what there is to do in light of these facts is a whole different thing. This often involves moral values, so (in my opinion) there really is no one true answer one could just point to… but with many “hot topics” we don’t even get to the point! Like when people deny the fact that stricter gun control laws, reduce gun violence… you can acknowledge this and still argue, that the right to own a gun is more important to you then lives being saved, but ffs be honest about it

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Its a mistake to suggest that all businesses are ‘the rich’.

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The thing that people are missing is that Brexit happened because a significant part of the population has had their lives limited by globalisation. The English factory that my Dad worked in lost about three thousand jobs to the Czech Republic, Poland and South Wales after Maastricht established a more open common market, the latter part-funded by EU RDF funding. The middle classes have generally been shielded from this economic pain, and have benefited from the servant economy of low paid gig workers. Too many people have been too keen to ascribe to blaming Brexit support on racism, but in most cases the root cause is economic pain. People claim that we are worse off through leaving the EU - and we certainly are, as a nation, but some groups have gained, and manual workers such as truck drivers have demonstrably got better off.


During the campaign many of those (imo honest) points about NI, customs issues and problems with staffing in certain sectors etc were raised repeatedly by some politicians, intellectuals and industry figures only to be collectively categorised as ‘project fear’. That’s when I saw which way the wind was blowing

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Yes, that would be a mistake, which I didn’t make.

Could you elaborate how lower taxes for the rich would help small businesses?


Though I didn’t vote brexit and think people that did were lied to and manipulated I’m also under no illusion that things were shit before brexit, tories were already doing over the lower classes and the EU had many issues needing addressed.

So yeah was shit before, brexit has just made things more shit


Good. Large corporates will avoid tax. The average man on the street, one man band, struggling to survive cant do that.

Ooof, good phrase. Not good, but yeah, you know what I mean.

Still going, doesn’t allow much of his content online to make sure his tours sell out as far as I know. Not so useful for people abroad, but you can buy recordings of his latest tours I think!

I can only speak for myself and the friends I’ve spoken to on this, but to answer simply, we don’t ignore it. We have no chance of changing the undemocratic nature of the EU if we’re not even in it, though, do we?

This is literally all we have left.

This is maybe true. Friends in certain industries have gained a lot of local work as less of it is being imported for cheap. If I were ruler of all the world, no one would be needing to do most of those jobs as they’re often physically terrible for the body and the mind, and everyone would be receiving universal basic income so they wouldn’t be missing the work either. If you want to join my utopia vote Tikoda at the next world leader election.

I’ve enjoyed this minor echo chamber of ranting against brexit while also being reminded of why people were voting for leave in the first place. I still think it was an absolute waste of everything and I also believe that we are yet to feel the biggest effects financially… I try not to think about it too much.


If we were in it, you would never change it - end of, they don’t do democracy.

Neither do we anymore (UK Gov / parliament either) - EU Gov / UK Gov & Parliament - 2 layers of doggy doodoo

I’d rather now 1 layer is gone but then comes the WEF - still 2 layers of doggy doodoo

People have given up their personal sovereignty way too easily.

Trying to fight for their own ruler…

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I suppose our discussion was of a potential future where they did. As I said vote for me as ruler of all the world you’ll see

Cheers to that

Just try not to think about it :frowning:

Speaking as the son/brother of truck drivers, I see zero evidence of this…


You haven’t answered my question. How do lower corporate taxes for large corporations help average small businesses? Or the ‘man on the street’?

Your question doesnt make sense. I’ve never suggested that lower taxes for big corps helps average small businesses

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Oh, right. Gaslighting. This conversation is over.