4 separate outputs

Is it possible to route 4 audio tracks to 4 separate outputs to have 4 individual tracks ? Let’s say route track 1 to Main R, track 2 to Main L, track 3 to Cue R, track 4 to Cue L ?

Would be really convenient to edit a jam like that.

Yep. Put it in studio mode!

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Surely if you have a setup like this it should work? Haven’t tried it.
Obviously in studio mode as Anfim said.

T1: Main volume 127 Cue 0 hard-panned left
T2: Main volume 127 Cue 0 hard-panned right
T3: Main volume 0 Cue 127 hard-panned left
T4: Main volume 0 Cue 127 hard-panned right

Great! Thanks so much!

Hey again,
where can I find the output menu for individual tracks though? Is there a mix menu for individual tracks somewhere? If I just enter mix menu - all the tracks get routed to the same outputs/pan.

If you’re in studio mode you can set the track volume for the individual tracks if the track is selected with the Level knob. Press the cue button and use the level knob to change the cue output level.

Thanks! And where do I pan the individual tracks? Sorry if these are dumb questions haha

No mix menu for individual tracks, hard panning track 1 to the left means that track will come out of Main 1, hard panning track 2 to the right will be Main 2 and so on. Obvs this means that all your tracks will be mono, so thats something to consider. I did this for a while, it works but is a bit of a compromise and i decided wasnt really worth it. Now i try to just get the mix right in the OT and record the Main and Cue stereo outputs (in studio mode)

That should be on the amp page per track (haven’t got it here but that’s where it always is on the elektron gear).

Thanks that worked!

Thanks Christian, yeh just noticed that if I pan the channels, some audio fx still come out from both L and R. Which would mean no fx if I want to use a multitrack. Probably best way is to just make sure the mix is good on OT and also nail the jams so I don’t have to edit after recording. Hopefully restrictions will bring out better skills and creativity haha

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Yeh, this. When i first got the OT i was obsessed with how to get over the issue of not having separate outputs and everything i tried kind of worked but also didnt. In the end i decided it wasnt actually a problem at all and let it go, instead focusing more on getting it nailed in the OT. And studio mode is your friend

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These days I’m uisng the OT mostly for live looping guitar and an analog polysynth as part of a larger mix (everything else goes either to one or two small mixers or direct to the DAW depending on how much I want to stay OTB - usually as much as possible lately), and I like to treat audio tracks 1-4 and 5-8 as two separate half-octatracks, with 1-4 using inputs 1-2 and the main outputs, and 5-8 using inputs 3-4 and the cue outs. That way I end up with separate stereo stems for the guitar submix and the synth submix, and it gives me just enough to deal with any major issues afterward. So I’m not going direct to stereo, but my ITB mixing is more like stem mastering than a full mix.

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You don’t need to be in studio mode for that. It just changes the display for Cue levels but Cue+level knob on an active track does the same.
I can’t remember what it was but i tried studio mode and something was bugging me and i came back to normal mode.

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Other gotchas to look out for configuring the OT for 4 mono outs:

  1. Go to the mixer view to make sure no tracks are being soloed, which could block audio from the 3 others

  2. Do the main/cue volume setup for all the tracks from each track’s main screen, understanding this is separate from the panning on each track

  3. Go to AMP on each track and set the balance to pan all the way left or right as desired then test via the sequencer: i.e. not by previewing with [FUNC] + [YES] from the sample select screen, which seems to use separate routing

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