4 tracks to use as 4 synths via MIDI

i’m controlling the Digitone with an external MIDI keyboard.

i would like to Press T1, T2, T3, T4 and have the synth on that track become active on the MIDI keyboard the same way the track becomes active on the Digitone keyboard.

is there any way to do this?

yes, i know about MIDI CONFIG - Channels - Track Channel MIDI select

it just takes too long.

i would like to hit, say, T2 and immediately play the synth on that track on my MIDI keyboard.

any help appreciated.


Set your keyboard to the autochannel, by default its 10.


i wish most manufacturers use an autochannel feature

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Use auto channel and make sure no other track is set to that channel.


that did it!!!

thank you all :slight_smile: