4 Velocity MOD destinations… per voice?

Wondering: should there be 4 VEL MOD destinations/values PER VOICE? Whenever I’m changing destinations for e.g. 1 BD through Overbridge, it changes the destinations/values for others voices as well, e.g. changing 2 SD’s destinations?! Seems strange…

EDIT: Updating Overbridge now…

That shouldn’t be the case, velocity mod is a SOUND setting and triggered by a note. There a velocity mod per sound, so assuming you don’t use sound locks, one per used voice.

Care to post a screenshot? I tried it on my OB and it doesn’t affect other tracks.

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Perfect, thanks. I’ve now updated OB and it seems to work as expected! I’m not sure, I want to love OB, but it always had some quirks for me.