(50% OFF on all packs) New preset pack : 16-bit Digitone

Today I’m releasing my very first preset pack. 160 presets to turn the Digitone into a funk machine.

Here is me (goofily) playing everyone of them :

I put it here first and here is the link with a discount (7.50euro and not 10) on the 10 first products sold:

In a few days I will release a similar pack of Genesis/Megadrive inspired preset for Digitone and another pack of classic sounds (funky for the most) for the Syntakt.


A lot of solid classic sounds in here! :slight_smile:


Thanks mate, I worked hard on this so it’s super appreciated.


Here a small pack of free presets for you guys !

@hellnegative :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for that :pray:

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Bought! Went through a good amount but not all of them, plenty of nice, usable/functional, and inspiring analogue sounding sounds. Looking forward to your Megadrive pack :slight_smile:


Thanks mate, please post a jam if you can !

Hey everyone, I finally finished and released my 16-bit preset pack, 16-bit Digitone : 115 Genesis/Megadrive inspired presets for the Elektron Digitone.

Link : 16-bit Digitone

All the presets can be heard here : https://youtu.be/4Je2uiJ6EmY :slightly_smiling_face:


I will pick some presets to give for free tomorrow. I still got this free sample of my other preset pack :

Hey everyone, here is 30% off on my 1st preset pack : Classic Funk Presets for the Elektron Digitone

And here is 10 free presets from my new pack “16-bit Digitone” : FREE PACK 16-bit Digitone

Cheers !

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Hi everyone, I’m doing 50% OFF on all the packs for 48 hours, cheers :slight_smile:

Code : L4GNTS9