500 series modules for color

Hi all, I have been looking for some rack gear to add some saturation/color but I can’t really find what I am looking for in 19” units (unavailability combined with really high prices makes a lot of it unobtainable atm). So I am thinking I might just go with a 500 series rack and some modules instead. There also seems to be a lot more variety going this route.

If I do go this route I am also probably planning on getting 1 compressor and maybe 1 eq as well (along with a saturation/color module). I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for me to check out as I start to dive in…

ssl bus compressor and pultec eq are on my wishlist, they both have many clones out there

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The SSL ultraviolet stereo eqs are on crazy sale right now. The Singular Audio tubedrv looks really nice when it comes to saturation.


@Dymaxion beat me to it about the SSL ultraviolet. $900 price drop is insane and most said it was worth the original price tag.

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Anything from https://www.soundskulptor.com gotta be handy with the soldering iron but nothing too crazy. I would go with a preamp that takes line level or a tape sat.


Elysia and Wes audio make good 500 series stuff. Elysia Karakter is a good saturation. There is a plugin of it too. You could try the demo first before commiting to the hardware.


These are cool too: Colour Modules – DIY Recording Equipment


Sadly the plugin has nothing to do with hardware unit (which I adore). Not trying to debate on which is better: analog or digital. Just my humble opinion. In that particular case hands down, the rack unit wins. Having said that I love elysia’s comp & eq plugins.
I must admit I’m a bit weird when it comes to sat & dist (due to aliasing) but ITB anything from Kush will make you smile. On the budget friendly side of plugin check out Klanghelm.


Have you ever checked out the “silver bullet” form “louder than liftoff”, They sound great. I’m pretty sure they make 500 series modules as well.


In 500 series, Looptrotter makes a unit called “SA2RATE” that is an awesome “saturater/color” box. Its a single channel module for 500 series and retails for around $600.

If you have the 19" rack space they make a dual mono/stereo version called “SA2RATE2” and its amazing as well. I believe its under $900

To me it sounds excellent. On everything from mono bass synths, to electric guitar it pretty much makes everything I run through it sound better. Great value too


There’s a 500 series Neve tape saturation model 542 that sounds really good. It’s probably expensive.

On a side note, I’ve really wanted to get one of these audio interfaces that are also a 500 series lunchbox:

So cool


they makes the modules pre-assembled too available for order. There is a pretty hefty up-charge for assembly, but even still, the sound skulptor modules assembled are an awesome value.

The tape saturator module has that “silkiness” to it…know what I mean :sunglasses:

Their mic preamps are REALLY good too


I’ve never heard this one myself, but have been curious about it:

It’s like EQ, saturation, and compression. If it’s anything like the rest of empirical labs stuff, it might be great


The DocDerr is another stellar module from EL. Its formatted like a channel strip style module so its really easy and intuitive to use. I have one in my travel 500 rack and use it for lots of stuff. Another super easy to set and have everything you run through it sound better!

Its especially nice since its basically a whole outboard stack for an instrument/mic at a really affordable price. I like it because to me its a bunch of modules in one!


I’d recommend the Elysia Karakter for sure, it’s a great tool and can do a lot of different things.


I have the Neve Portico 5042 (also available rack size I believe)

Does not add the exact non-linearity as tape like weird treble aliasing, but it does add nice saturation and insanely natural glue compression.

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jepp… pretty, pretty hefty :smiley:

yeah, love the preamps, so much “of exactly what I want”. Specially the TGs.

Sounds like I need to try the tape sat. :sweat_smile:


indeed, you have NEVEr heard anything like it…i promise :rofl:


I have actually been thinking about the chroma+ instead since it already has all the features I would want (and it is a lot cheaper)

Thanks for the recommendation I will definitely check it out.

I have been pricing out a 500 rack and modules and the price ends up being comparable to the 19” stuff anyway (especially if I just want one unit) so it doesn’t seem like there is much savings to be had going the 500 route after all. I swear I remember it being cheaper before…