7/8 pattern change

I was working with a band who wanted a pattern in 7/8.
No problem i said and i made one. Cool, let’s sequence the 2nd part. Nice.

But when switching from patter 1 to pattern 2, disaster: there’s no 14 steps option for pattern change can’t change without the first beat to move. Mission impossible ?

Please explain further. With pictures maybe.
I don’t get it.
If you set the length of your pattern to 14, doesn’t it do the trick?

Each pattern is ok, the issue is to switch from one to the other and keep the 7/8 rhythm.

Set the PATTERN CHANGE in the Pattern Menu to PLEN, make sure all tracks have the same pattern length, then it should work.


Of course that’s the way :wink: I generally never use this since i generally use different length on the tracks.

Pattern Length depends on Master Lenghth though, no? I don’t need to set the length of every track i don’t use, isn’t it?

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I’m pretty sure, yeah. Can master length get down to 7 or 14? But then you can’t have 56 step patterns. I really hate how Elektron implements odd time signatures.

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They didn’t implement them as such, it is still a machine thought for 4/4. Even ternary rhythms are a nightmare to sequence.
They allowed us, mere humans, to flirt with odd signatures but not fully or smartly when they could listen users feedbacks since years (like limiting steps per page when setting different time signature and have the first beat always on the 1 of each page).