70's mono synth sounds with SY RAW?

You probably know what I’m talking about – the Minimoog at 05:09 in Pink Floyd’s Welcome To the Machine:

Would that be possible to recreate with the SY RAW machine on the Syntakt?

Not asking if the Syntakt could replace a Minimoog, but could I get somewhere reasonably close?

Believe it or not, I’ve gotten almost identical to these types of sounds with a $200 Monologue. Just don’t max out the resonance and you can nail an authentic 70s monosynth. You can always use a plugin like Bass-Mint to beef it up in post.

Cool, but I’m asking specifically about the Syntakt and SY RAW. I have got similar sounds with an Arturia Microbrute.

Are you sure it’s a Minimoog? I thought it was a Synthi VCS3.

This is a picture from the PF Exposition :

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Try a saw tooth wave, I think just one oscillator. Turn on portamento, give it a little bit of resonance. I think one challenge with recreating that sound is that someone is performing the filter cutoff during the recording, you you will probably need to play with filter cutoff as you play around to get close. Also the curve of the portamento is somewhat unique on those old synths so it might be difficult to get the pitch glides to sound exactly the same.


Both are featured on the album, along with an EMS Synthi AKS. I might be mistaken about that specific sound but I don’t think so. Anyway, that’s not the point, but how to replicate it.

This one :

Musing, based on using a couple of monos over the years, and my Syntrx…
The way the modulations/espressions are applied, that sound at 05:09 would be easier to set up on a non- or semi- modular mono with its own keyboard and mod wheels. It’d be harder on the VCS (or my Syntrx) because the patch options are a-typical (and some of the EMS gear didn’t have a keyboard). It sounds a little brighter and more metallic than your typical Moog lead tho’. I like to think I can hear the different filter types these days, but I began to doubt my intuition the close I got to writing it down.


Oh… that one has a keyboard :wink:

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After a few plays, I found it easy to imagine it coming from an MS-20. The filter on the Syntrx and the MS-20 sound more similar to one another than either do to a Moog filter, so I find it easy to imagine a real VCS/AKS filter is closer to that scratchy sound.

Sounds to me like two oscillators playing sawtooth waves, an octave apart. They might be square waves with the pulse width set quite narrow. (the slight metallic edge might be some ring modulation: definitely an EMS tool rather than a Minimoog). The filter’s mostly open. Some pitch modulation is applied, with a delay, or with a playable modulation (I don’t know if the AKS has aftertouch). There’s also some either portamento or an envelope applied to pitch, at the start of some notes. The sound has pretty fast attack and noticeably slower release. It’s going through some reverb. You could get close with either SY RAW or SY DVCO on the Syntakt. You’d need to use a One or Half mode LFO to modulate the pitch, or portamento trigs, for the slide; a more typical Free or Trig LFO for the delayed modulation.

Keen to hear others’ opinions on this.


I did almost to the letter what Octoganist described before dropping my daughter off at school (octave SY raw saws, slightly detuned, lfo vibrato that fades in). The legato-only and gate options in the portamento submenu of sound setup are great for playing this kind of thing in live. Here’s what I tapped in live just now before starting off to work…

Also: this takes me back, I’m not sure I’ve heard this song since my early teens, when I listened to these albums a LOT…