8 bar recording on Octatrack

I need to record 8 bar loop on Octatrack. Please, can anyone explain how to do this? Thanks

How do you record usually?
Try this (maybe I forgot things) :
In Rec Setup 2 you can quantize Rec to PLEN (pattern length)
Choose Scale Per Track, Master Scale to 128 steps.


It worked for me with a Pickup
Default settings +
Select sources (AB, CD, SRC3)
Rec Setup 1 > One2
Rec Setup 2 > Qrec=Plen, Qpl=Plen

Scale Per Track (Play mode, Fn+Bank)
Master Scale = 128

Play sequencer.
Press Rec AB, wait for the beginning of the recording, press Rec CD.
(You have to press Rec CD before the end of recording, if you don’t want to overdub)

I hope there are simplier ways…


Sezare’s #2 post is the way to go, but you also need to enable dynamic recorders in the memory config, which currently a bug requires a power cycle afterwords, and set rlen to max in rec setup…

If you leave master length at 64, or set qrec and qpl to 64, you can get a 4 bar loop by pressing cd on the first pattern cycle, an 8 bar by pressing cd on the second, 16 bars by pressing cd on the 4th, etc…
Press ab instead of cd for the above if wanting to go into overdub…

I just leave them set up from like this so it’s just 2 buttons to get loops of any multiple of pattern lengths, press once to begin, press again on last pattern cycle… Only need to configure once…


I’d like to do it with Flex and Rec Trigs with more than 64 steps, or considering track Scale, as we already talked about.

Yeah Dynamic Recorders above 16 seconds.
Good to precise it.
I made a test at 160 bpm ! :smile:
8 bars at 120 bars or more, you don’t need to change Memory Config.

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Yeah your right, give us rlen 128, 256, 512… Or rlen=plen obeying track scale!
Pleeeeaaasssee!! :slight_smile:


Hi guys,

I am trying to follow Sezares 2nd tip. How do you set master scale at 128?

And should you select source CD eventough there is no input to it?


Grid recording off to select Pattern Settings with Fn+Bank
Scale mode = Per track

Master 128

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I don’t know if it would be seamless, but you could try doing it on two tracks:

both set to rlen=64

Pattern scale set to 64 with a 1/2x tempo multiplier

Oneshot record trigs on track 1 step 1 and track 2 step 33

In theory, that should record the first four bars into track recorder 1 and the last four bars into track recorder 2. I have a feeling it would click at the transition from one half to the other though, but still it could be worth exploring. So much of the OT is based around the 4 bar maximum pattern length that I bet having it recorded as two 4 bar loops rather than one 8 bar loop would make it easier to work with.

I’ve never actually tried this though, so I don’t really know if it would work well.

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You mean 1st rec trig on pattern 1 track 1 step 1 and 2nd rec trig on pattern 2 track 2 step 1 ?

Edit : sorry misunderstood I thought it was with 2 patterns, which should work too…

So you mean step 33 for 2nd rec trig ?

Oops, yeah, step 33

I reverted back to thinking in 16 steps because I’ve been using almost exclusively one bar patterns since conditional trigs arrived. I’ll correct that in the original post. But yeah, two patterns with the tempo scale at 1x would probably work too (and might be easier than one track with the tempo scale at 1/2x, it’s hard to say without trying), but you’d still need to use two tracks to keep bars 5-8 from overwriting bars 1-4.

EDIT: thinking about it now, if this method works (that is, if there isn’t a big click every four bars) you could use all 8 tracks and record a 32 bar loop!

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That’s what I was thinking ! Should work.
Attack for clicks ! Or hihats over it ! :smile:

I think I’ll stick to pressing cd… :wink:
I respect the creativity though…

Sometimes that works, but sometimes I’ll still get a click from the end of a sample or slice instead of the beginning, so attack doesn’t help. I guess it depends on whether you’re doing it all realtime or recording the files and then saving them and loading them into the flex list and playing them back that way, in which case you could clean up the splice points a bit.

At least half of my answers in advice threads like this (here and on other boards) is just seeing if I can figure out a different way to do something even if it’s completely impractical. This seems semi-practical if it works.


Now you got me thinking about it more, haha!
At first I thought it would waste a track, but then I realized it would just need another recorder track as you could use sample locks on one playback track… :thinking:

Just to clarify for anyone reading this, using pickups for recording 8 bars or more was discussed early in the thread, that and other sampling methods require you to press something to define the end of the recording if it’s longer than 4 bars…

Now thanks to @Supercolor_T-120 we’re contemplating combining several 64 step one-shot recorder buffer samples to make a long recording that doesn’t require you to press anything to define its length…

Sorry guys! But i still can’t understand.
1 track - bass stem (8bars) scale 64/64 ,speed 1/2 ,master scale 64
2 track - perc stem (8bars) scale 64/64 ,speed 1/2 ,master scale 64
now i need to record them into track 4 for to make transition to next bank(song)
track 4 (transition track) - scale 64/64 ,speed 1/2 ,master scale 64. record trig on first trig.
Track 8- master track and my recording source for track 4 is T8.
i need to record the same 8 bar loop (like in my original stems)

Master scale has to be 128.
You can try what @Supercolor_T-120 suggested with 2 recorders, if you whant to use rec trigs.

You can also try Pickups as I explained, go further with what @Open_Mike suggested.

What specific points you don’t understand ?

Thanks everyone! Now it works :wink: i used pickup machine . One more question. I have volume change between original sound and pickup recording. i need to increase volume on the pickup m. to crossfade smoothly. Maybe anyone know how to resolve this?

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You already answered no ? :slight_smile:
Increase the volume. Try gain in Pickup.
Can’t test right now.