8 MIDI Tracks - Why?

Really? I didn’t mean to be offending with my question. Why is everyone so defensive here?

I think something like Squarp Pyramid might fit your needs better.

i think i know what fits my needs, thanks.

edit: MnM the midi superhero and the DT is the midi sidekick.


Think about this way; how much work would it take to give the DT one midi track? How much work add in the hardware and write the software. Now that one midi track is working how much more time would it take to add a second, or a third.

Most of the time is taken up by the initial work to get one midi channel. Adding a second, or seven, is just good business.


Well, that is actually a good point. But as they also already have 8 audio tracks, how much work would it be to have all 16 tracks freely assignable as MIDI or audio?

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that’d be great, but it’s important to embrace limitations in order to be productive.

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that would have had major impact on storage capacity tho… midi is super simple and low on memory/ram usage.

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Because adding midi makes is an inherently more valuable tool than it having no midi at all. It makes it more likely that someone, who does not need/use a sampler, will buy it and use it for just midi and nothing else.


If you have external devices then they are very similar to audio tracks, they are tracks that make sound happen… The same reasons one would want more than one audio track are the reasons one would want more than one midi track if you have exernal gear…


symmetry of operation. to start with.
that simple.

make it 8/8, 16 “or” 16 :wink: , or 16/16
anything else would have been…(need a blank form to fill in your adjunct ? :wink: )

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But now on DT they added to much??


I don’t even know why I’m trying but you don’t even need 8 midi devices, some are multi channel, and sometimes you just want different track patterns to send to one piece of midi gear by muting/unmuting or even combining them, while staying in one main Elektron pattern…


If you had read my complete sentence instead of only the part you quoted, you might have understood my point better.

I’m pretty sure I understand your point…

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I’ve often used the micro-timing to as closely overlap the trigs as much as possible and used the trig conditions to alternate. Good if you only want 2 variations. The extra Midi tracks is a good idea

of course the real answer could be more mundane, like – we already have all this MIDI sequencing code for 8 tracks built, running, and tested in the Octatrack. It would be easy to just use it in the DT as the baseline functionality rather than do it all from scratch.

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1 track for you and 7 others for those who want it. Done.

Im out this nonsense. Stop trying to live up to your name. If you are sincerely confused with why this convo has gone the way its gone, go have a conversation with a pre-school teacher about how to talk to people.

Bye Felicia.


I’m not sure about that either, that’s why I ask questions about it…

If the guy says he doesn’t want to use mouse, would you recommend Reaktor to him?

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Honestly regardless of our opinions on Elektron gear functionality I send you lots of love and wish you a beautiful day…