8 Outputs over USB?

So I am well aware that the OT does not do this, and that the USB out is only for managing files between the computer and the Octatrack. However, the Roland TR-8, with all it’s outputs available over USB has me wondering if this is a feature that could somehow be implemented in a future update, or if the unit is somehow hard wired in a way that this would be impossible.

As far as my very limited knowledge goes on this topic…
depends on the usb-chipset they used, and how they implemented it.
So my guess is : It is hardwired not possible…

if I am wrong (and this happends) it might be their software architecture preventing it…
with this I mean, rewrites of big pieces of the code that runs on your octatrack. .
Lets say I am wrong about that too (why not)…
They need propper time to write it all and they might not have that manpower…

Then you can raise the question… Do the other elektrons feature audio over usb…
no they do not… and like it or not…
it is a good sellingpoint, midi + audio over usb…
So thats why I guess… its not possible… and it will never be possible…

If I am wrong… and we do get it… it will make our toys shinier
and usefull in ways i havent come up with… so… lets hope I am very very wrong about this all…

I feel you OP. I loved a lot about the Octatrack but ultimately I couldn’t handle mixing in the box all the time.

Ended up selling last week and I’m jumping on an Analog Keys. Individual outs is awesome and plus that machine is super sexy

will never happen

I wish! I don’t see it being possible though. I would be happy with just the master out over USB, but I’m pretty sure they’ve decided not to do it for a reason and they’re sticking to it.

The_dreammer’s thought on the chipset seems like the most likely reason why this couldn’t happen. If so, that is a shame since the OT, more than any of their other machines, would really benefit from being able to multitrack all parts at a time.

I was thinking about something similar earlier, would it not be possible somehow to reverse the input jacks so they were outputs? 4 outputs is so limiting, really compromises the way I use my OT in the studio