8 pages for a pattern?

What if I want to create 8 pages (or 128 steps) pattern?
I know there is a way to slow down a scale by 1/2, but it actually makes pattern two times slower. What I need is 128 steps pattern instead of 64.
I found a way to chain two patterns, so I can copy A01 and create a variation in A02, and then loop this chain. But this is still not a good solution, because if I need to change any step or sound, I have to copy paste every time for both patterns.
So maybe there is a way to create 2x longer pattern (without making it slower) that I don’t know?


Not possible.

Analog Four and Analog Rytm have kits for that. Octatrack have parts.

Digis don’t have individual kits, but you can copy them between patterns.
ST tips & tricks - #121 by sezare56

Yes, I have AR and Syntakt. And this is a problem, because AR have kits and Syntakt does not. So if I want to perform a long filter change through two chained patterns, it is impossible on Syntakt, because all sounds will be reset when a chained pattern changes (A01 -> A02)

It is possible with GLOBAL FX/MIX.

Syntakt have a kit structure. But you can’t load it / share it as on AR.


Hi, and welcome.

In case you hadn’t considered it, you can also do scale per track (FUNC + YES from the scale page), in order to keep 16th note hi hats on one track, and add an 8 or 16 bar chord progression or lead line on another (each of which has up to 64 steps). This is how folks generally make 8, 16, and at 1/8 scale even 32 bar patterns.


So it is possible to has 16 notes bass track in the pattern while the whole pattern is 1/2 scaled?

Up to 64 notes whatever the scale is. But with x1/2, the resolution is 8th notes (16th notes for x1).

You have to set Master length have to match longest track length.


Okay, thanks everyone for relies!

I was wondering about this as well. I may have even asked. Do you have a link that goes over this for me to bookmark?

You can if set it up via modulation/breath controller/pitch bend/velocity midi messages, that is, for each sound say that it should respond to a certain of those parameters in a certain way. Then you can either send these midi commands via an external device or via a Syntakt midi track (if you use midi loop back).


A link to the manual ?


Thanks for the shout-out! If you change the filter (plus other settings) using one or two of these macros and you have your hand on the macro, moving even a little bit, through the pattern change, it should transition smoothly without a jump.

I think what @sezare56 mentions above—using the FX block filter and setting that to Global seems like the best solution for this particular problem.

As an aside, I’ve kept using, and really enjoy, that macro setup with loopback; with the new machines I made a template with “base” settings for the machines I tend to use, and a midi track set up for loopback, and for each of the base track sounds I’ve added widely applicable macros (PB to filter/res, pitch bend 0; BC to attack, reverb send, vol down … etc), so that they’re ready to use, or tweak, even before I’ve designed the sounds. Really fun feature!

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Could you tell more about setting up MIDI track for params macros, please?
Or share a link for me to learn more about it?

The video up-thread is me explaining my midi loopback macro setup; Oscillator Sink on YouTube just did a video that uses a different approach, as a number of folks here have been doing, using a dedicated midi controller to control macros one track per channel.


for param/fx/filter change that run over more than a pattern, it could work using modulations/lfos when playing pads/drones or sustained sounds, as long as you don’t need to retrigger notes during second/following pattern(s)…
on the ST, when playing, when you call a pattern containing an empty track (no sequence), the sound played on the same track on previous pattern will continue to be played if enough sustain/release is set. Live tweaking the sound with knobs over patterns is not possible as the parameter value will jump on pattern change, but modulations and LFO keep running smoothly over the new(s) pattern(s).

Testing that, I also noticed that if in the second pattern you set a different machine for the track, it is possible to modify the sustained sound using the SYN parameters set of the second machine…In other words, you can mix machines together.


Don’t forget about conditional locks :wink:
And if needed: microtiming a trig all the way to left or right to makenit trigger on a previous/next step

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