A Blank Slate For Creating Fills?

When trying to create a fill that you’re happy with, it’s really distracting having to work around trigs that are already there. Is there a way to create something like a “scratch pad” for fills so that you have a few empty bars to work with?

In this case, I’m assuming that there’s already an active pattern on each track by the time you want to work on fills.

The only way I can think of right now is to immediately put all active trigs on a specific track into Cond = No Fill, latch the Fill button, then work AROUND those active trigs to create something CLOSE to what you’d like first. Then, play around with changing some of those active “No Fill” trigs to “Fill” to get you the rest of the way there.

There’s nothing really wrong with this method I guess, but it does kill the creative process for me to have to manually set the Cond to No Fill for each trig before I even start playing around with new ideas.

Let me know if I’m missing something or if anyone else has a better idea!

Perhaps you could use direct start or direct jump and switch between your main patterns and fill patterns?


Ok, I didn’t think of that!

I’ll try that out, thanks a ton!

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maybe using the trig mutes can help, you can quickly mute a trig by holding it and hit the [E] and just proceed to doing the fill trigs around them


Hell yeah! Another good idea!

Going to try this out over the weekend as well.

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