A client wants to sound like t Payne. What's a good autotune plugin?

Preferably under $100?

the stock Logic plugin works well for this

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I have windows and studio one

I use MAutoPitch for free: (you can select the individual plugin in the bundle installer) https://www.meldaproduction.com/MAutoPitch

I also have kept the free edition of this in my VST folder after using it in some projects, which might also be worth trying: https://www.auburnsounds.com/products/Graillon.html

I’m sure there are better plugins you can buy but it may be worth trying those, and maybe stacking a couple instances if needed. There’s a $100 version of Antares Auto-Tune which might do the trick for the T-Pain effect, and could sound “nicer”, but it looks pretty bare on features. The free ones do the trick for me.

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Used to get alot of junk emails from izotope pushing their t-pain effect (discontinued). Could be worth looking into, even if its just to see what sort of parameters & settings were involved.

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I’m on a boat and it’s going fast and…

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…melodyne, nectar or, er…well…autotune…


u might consider hardware…the tc voice live stuff…they all got hard tune option and u can nail it down to scales…while they deliver all standard make up fo vocals too…

most live autotune like performance stuff is done by tc helicon…


antares auto tune

Autotune is not under $100, it’s $399

…Isn’t buying hardware just because of one commission quite a stretch? :slight_smile: …

T-Pain used Antares Autotune… for his stuff…

The first step is trying to talk your client out of using auto-tune… :wink:



Soundtoys Little Alter Boy will do the trick!

I heard an interview with T-Pain on NPR this morning. He seems like a really nice dude and talked about being vilified for a short while for using autotune by other “artists” who went on to use and abuse autotune in similar fashion.


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As someone who can’t stand the sound of auto tune 99% of the time, I really enjoyed episode 2 of This Is Pop on netflix, which is about the rise of auto tune and features T-Pain’s story quite heavily.
