What a party though! Will teach them right for being fashionable late…


this is what a quaristice filler track wishes it could be

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Metaz form8 that’s what I’m talking about, nice track :+1:

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I managed 20 minutes out in the car doing errands at the start of the stream, but now back on baby duty with only this thread to keep me in touch with it.
I liked what I heard then and I like what I’m reading now…

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Autechre going Jarre :smiley:

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Revolutions :grinning:

an actual regular beat. (in autechre land anyway)
thing are looking up for this album…

dont worry i got you frend. we’re on track 7 now and it sounds like this: thunk thunk chiky chiky chiky … thunk thunk thunk chiky chiky whip…
with resonant golf bolls bouncing around on top of it

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What are we thinking here? Still some giant Max/MSP patch or are there some actual hardware synths creeping back into the mix? Love that I can’t tell

100% axoloti .
with a bit of ipad thrown in.

all on battery power.
while sat on a mountain top


We’ll probably never know… but there does seem to be some real textural/timbral differences compared to say… Exai to NTS.

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i would call it their 80s retro album :smiley:

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From everything I’ve read it’s still all Max, but they’ve reworked a lot of their “System” and onesix and this are kind of the result of that. But totally guess work to be honest.


What I heard sounded much more “composed” than “generated”.


Yes, that’s still the case 40 mins in. Very enjoyable

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no one has mentioned machine learning , AI , gan , 5g …

maybe they ran all their old work through ‘an algorithm’ …
and then plugged in their old nord gear to see it if worked.

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track 8… bright, happy, mellow, optimistic even?

This one is ace.

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gasp an actual chord progression


i guess this is the most bright and mellow ae record in who knows how long, right?

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