As far as AI is concerned, maybe, but for al the “generative” stuff they get called on for, from the interviews I’ve read or heard they seem kind of like control freaks. I’d be surprised if they did something with AI.

Seriously hoping they make the downloads available after the stream finishes as another week before listening again will be a nightmare…


Viola solo chamber
Edit: with guitar

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its probably being ripped right now.
not as good as proper paid for release, but it might fill in the gap till it arrives properly.

so far i’m tempted to buy it…

This is more like it

I imagine it would be all over the shadier ends of the interwebs pretty quickly so that’s why I’m hoping they will make them available… but I can wait if need be.

this one has been done before…

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this is the kind of track that loses me real fast… just kind of hangs around, not really doing anything… no beat really to satisfy that side of things, but no real “pretty” ambience/melody stuff to satisfy the other side either

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this is a quaristice leftover.

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For me this kind of track is more a snapshot of a mood/feeling, and I could stay inside it forever

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sounds familiar

I get where you’re coming from… but those ones often have a bunch of detail in the chord progressions that reveal themselves over time…


Yeah, at times there’s some cool shit in the background, but if any of us had submitted it on Our Music, we’d get panned for lack of variation


4 on the floor

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yea, it’s totally more for intent listening i guess… head listening

Very subdued tho like Burial doing 4/4

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I suppose that’s the advantage of their track record, many of us know that multiple listens will reveal hidden depths. For many of us… no one will ever give us that time.

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More like next door



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so…ive heard the patterns a million times.

and its starting to feel like the same patches, with diff sounds and tempo.

its GOOD…sounds are great. but…
I think people only have so many patterns built into their makeup…and you hit a point where…it becomes repetition.

do I cancel my order and stick with MP3s? hmmmmm $25 would get me one more lunch. :face_with_monocle: