It’s an almost religious song, listen to it in bed,
in a bath, in a train that crosses snow plains,
at a wedding, at the zoo, for the end of the universe, for its beginning
or by drawing cubes on his arm.

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Oh sick!

I’ve got two Keynell EPs that at the time came in bubble wrap sleeves instead of the newer cardboard jacket. Fucking cat chewed a corner in both of them. 🤦🏽

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Metaz form8 is about as close as we’ll get to a sequel imo

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That could be one; and I think I have at least one other in mind, but just can’t place it…

someone paid that amount.

…their latest record did’nt pick me up at all…


when I was making bucks I ALMOST paid £360 for MASK100. I its the LAST missing piece to having a COMPLETE BoC collection. that dream has since died.

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so… I hate to say this… I like the SIGN & PLUS releases, but on a whim just went and just gave a serious listen to LP5 for the first time (never really paid much attention to it before) … and I feel like that album has so much more creative spark and musicality to it in comparison. Has Autechre become TOO refined?


this track…

…is kinda close to this one from NTS2 [it makes me think of Quadrange tho]…

I love Autechre…but I’m starting to wonder if they are seeing who is foolish enough to just keep buying their releases. me being one. im hearing lots of repeated stuff over the releases since Quaristice. slight sound variances or tempo…I dunno.


Yeah, LP5 and Confield are probably my favourite Autechre albums. As well as tracks like Maphive6.1, Stop Look Listen, Sublimit etc that feel really proggy and like composed pieces rather than edited (or unedited, perhaps, in the case of elseq/NTS) jams. Oversteps came close to this with prog epics like O=0, and there are a few on Exai as well, but it seems like they’re moving towards blurring the lines between live sets and album releases, maybe? I may be totally wrong here.

lol me too. I’m sure they’ve got it down to a fine art now and can likely just crank out releases forever. I don’t have a problem with this, but as mentioned I do kinda miss their tracks feeling like “songs”. I think the huge Twitch streams they did earlier in the year may be a hint of something to come, or maybe it’s just wishful thinking that they’ll either release their patches at some point or have a 24/7 stream that you can tune into at any point.


That would be a trip. Last release is the Ae Mega Max Patch…called :infinity:

Run the patch make tweaks, infinite Ae tracks :slight_smile: longest running sound experience of all time.


…might be the truth…

as unique their soundsignature is, maybe it’s been nailed down to some selfgenerating vcv/max patch these days…also for any further official releases…

which would be cool again…imagine to fix ur musical dna into a chain of code and go from there beyond time into truu eternity…not so bad… :wink:

I think it’s easier to have a go at Autechre because none of us have much of a clue what’s going on to make the music, so we seem to assume that it’s easy for them to make, as opposed to stuff like rock music, where the virtuosity and musicality is bare for all to see and hear. They have clearly made a conscious choice throughout their career to keep the focus on the sounds they are making, not how they are made, but the byproduct of this seems to be that everyone just assumes the sounds are made by some sort of massive generative or AI patch.

I think it does a massive disservice to assume that Autechre are just throwing releases out like sweets. I would imagine they put as much thought, work and love into every release as anyone else, not to mention their live output.

It feels a little bit along the lines of some of my friends and their critique of electronic music in general, the “he’s just standing there pressing play” bullshit.

Confield literally changed the way I thought about music, it’s the most constant album in my life. Autechre’s evolution with every album increasingly rewards deeper and deeper listening, which can sometimes make listening to their back catalogue feel like the older stuff was in many ways better. Of course, this is entirely subjective, for a lot of people, the older stuff is better. For me, the older stuff is enjoyed in a more immediate way, with successive releases since the turn of the century (with a few exceptions) moving away from the dancefloor immediacy of their roots into very deep listening territory. That’s not to say that their more recent output is in any way cleverer than older releases (arguably, the sounds they were getting out of such basic equipment back in the day were as clever as music ever got) it’s maybe just getting closer to the sounds that they have in their heads, now that they have more refined tools for expressing it.


That’s what I said to myself when listening to the live series (Brussel, Krakow, Dour, Grafenhainichen and Nagano) in 2014 and 2015.
For Confield, at the exit, I remember the crazy mastering
which makes you say that a step, even if it is hard to determine
has been crossed and to be lost in front of so many covers of which one side out of two was necessarily hidden.

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it’s funny to think back to how polarizing that record was. like all of a sudden it split fans into “ugh, this is unlistenable” and “holy fuck, this is incredible!” sides. I was on the latter. I even paid a couple hundred bucks to have a framed poster of the album cover.

these days, I don’t spend enough time with their releases to fully digest them. and often that’s just because I tire of the listening experience, or just feel like I’m not getting enough out of it to make it worth the time. there’s just less for me to grasp onto to keep me interested. doesn’t mean there’s not a massive block of their work I don’t absolutely adore though.


Today i listened to Autechre for the first time. I was taken aback how similar it is to the Model Cycles and Samples uploads on this forum. I mean it sounds like it could have been done with just these two machines. It goes to show how incredibly lucky we all are to have such equipment at our disposal for peanuts(well almost) Not my kind of music but i can understand why people like it.


rainy day vibes

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They have said themselves it’s an ever growing MAX patch. It doesn’t just make music on its own, they have to guide it.

you should listen to Untilted. it’s basically all Machinedrum, Monomachine and Nord Modular.

you’re not wrong though.