i think this is just someone’s portfolio demo reel. the track is from SIGN/PLUS.

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. Audi E-Tron Reveal Film by Pandayoghurt - Motion design - STASH : Motion design – STASH

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I have a quite long love/hate relationship with Autechre, which is different each year (or depending on a mood, etc) :slight_smile:
For example, I did not like the idea of NTS sessions, it’s just too long and too unstructured or tried to like Sign/Plus but failed, just not my cup of AE.

But I would tell that this year’s next portion of ‘lives’ AE_LIVE 2016/2018, which was released this year, is absolutely brilliant! It greatly resurrected my interest to them. I don’t follow much their discography, it’s too huge now, but I feel this material is quite different from any album of that period or later. If anyone can provide some clues/cues, which tracks these lives are based on - would be nice…


On the top of my list is, of course, their epic collaboration with the Hafler Trio, but it’s really puzzling how it is universally unappreciated by the main AE audience (maybe because of the price/availability?). Absolutely fantastic otherworldly deep-granular remakes of each other’s material. And it has a subtle humour, which is quite rare in nowadays ‘experimental’ music (if I’m interpreting it right).

I understand that ‘drone’ is not for everybody’s taste, but considering the level of complexity and abstractness of recent AE’s releases, these works are quite approachable… (not talking about contemporary electroacoustics or whatever ‘niche’ it fits in).
I encountered even hateful or offensive comments towards it (i.e. WATTM forums), I cannot get it, seriously.

WATMM is toxic AF. :slight_smile:
Good for a chuckle. Fun to partake sometimes…stir shit up hahaha.
But visit rarely.

There used to be a sick repository for all remixes, rare tracks and live stuff. Do they still have that?

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Did not know that… now makes sense (that’s not only my perception)

I saw this very share this week so is exactly what you are looking for. Apparently Sean of Autechre confirmed that Warp had no intention of releasing any of these in a collection and encouraged people to download them, so this was set up.

ADMIN - If it feels inappropriate then delete this, but thought it might be of interest



enjoyed some of these today on work walk, thanks @robinrimbaud for sharing.

probably much more of a licensing issue to collate the one offs and compilation tracks. would love those at decent quality. realised i’m posting this after downloading 70+ Ae tracks for 0 cash. greedy fandom.


Happy to help your day pass-by :grinning:


Lowrise is the ONE remix that I get a weird vibe from. It’s SO Freezone. I don’t know if you know those compilations. I was into that stuff for a long time. Still like some tracks on those comps.

adding these ones:

:exploding_head: love these ones SO much

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this has got to be 90% Monomachine, unless you mean you just like to imagine the casio!

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I am not sure it was shared before, this is a very recent twitch

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Anyone know what gear they were using for LP5? Specifically would love to know what was used on the track Rae. Just curious as one of my favourite tracks from them.

That AMA is very interesting also, fair amount of insight considering its come out of nowhere.

No idea. Here’s what I found online:

But when you consider what they did with one of those pocket computer thingies on one track (some sort of PDA, @phaelam will know what I mean and the track, Maphive something or other?), you’ll realise it doesn’t matter what you put in front of them, they’ll still be making Autechre tracks and you won’t be.


Indeed very obvious they pushed things as far as possible with what they had. Interviews from around that time state as much.

we use the gear differently to the way the manufacturer made it for anyway. the features made for the normal user are usually not the ones to work out the most creative stuff with. we’re always looking for ways to use the gear in a different way than their proper determination. we’d rather find a flaw in the system and work with that .

Found that here when searching for interviews around LP5, more here:


Ya Maphive 6.1 was done one a Roland PMA-5

For those that don’t know it…look it up…and be impressed :slight_smile:


:slightly_smiling_face: These guys would make an EP with a cheese grater and a flashlight :upside_down_face:


Ae be Ae :+1:t6:

I love how Sean said he’d consider sharing their MAX patches…but only when they are done with them.

You KNOW they know, even if they give the patches away, people still won’t sound like them :slight_smile:

Secure in their ability :+1:t6::+1:t6::+1:t6:


I smell a new open challenge….


According to the AMA a good portion of Xylin Room is a sample of one of them knocking on a wooden table in the back yard. [so jealous I wish I had a back yard. apts till death for me I think :frowning: ]

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