Washing machine with usb port.


Exactly. He pretty much says it doesn’t fucking matter what gear you use as long as it inspires you and the music sounds good.


I guess it matters to them? And Vladislav Delay?

It seems to make a difference to Heba Kadry. And Electric Lady. I’d bet for a number of others, it matters too.

Am I going to stop making music cause I have a Babyface? No. Am I not going to make music on vaca because all I have with me is an H4n? Also no.

But can I be interested? Or is that not allowed? Can I find the latest in conversion tech interesting? Or no? Let me know, cause I don’t want to make the mistake of ruffling feathers again with my curiosity.


I wonder what sort of condenser they were using?


Liquid detergent or pods?


It doesn’t but its nice to hear these things out of interest. I mean most of the Q&A was about gear

I started with LP5 and Tri Repetae. Then I went on until Exai. LP5, Untilted and Exai were my favorites for a long time.

These days I really enjoy their very early stuff. I found Incunabula slightly cheesy after knowing their later stuff first, but know I think it’s incredible. Amber and the Garbage EP is great too.
And I love the „warp tapes“. One of my favorite recordings of them. Super groovy, super melodic.

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Tri repetae is my favourite

Innovative and never boring to listen

Can anyone confirm it’s them? This stuff is so crazy.


Yeah who else

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all this deep, funk ridden pioneering stuff.

lest we forget, they made this, like to think it’s a modded casio (or similar) being triggered and not samples.

wonder if sean or rob track,…?


I think they are there…but if I remember it was mostly their buds on this one.

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Am of the same opinion. Ive nothing against the first two but they soiund of their time, and much like a lot of other stuff on the Warp etc roster at that point, whereas from tri repetae onwards everything sounds timeless and completely unique


Lego Feet for me :+1:t6:

That shits sick! [the tapes :exploding_head: ]


A cassette copy of Amber was my in flight (well, train) entertainment when travelling to and fro between Cornwall and Liverpool for university. Perfect repeat listening for zoning out while watching the countryside speed by the window for eight hours.


Cornwall to Liverpool is an insanely long journey to be making every day or week, especially as Cornwall is not exactly the most connected of counties. But agreed on Autechre being the go-to music for train journeys.


I like the idea for MIDI sync. rather than constant clock he suggests sending a MIDI message every now and again to keep the sequencers synced. interesting - starts at right time

he had said this track never came out. is this legit? i have no idea


Ha! Thankfully the trip was just at the beginning and end of terms, otherwise I’d be buried in debt from the train fares!

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Just found this . . . Music by Autechre

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