We’ll be lucky if we’re there much before 7, but if you see an uncomfortable looking fat bastard in a Napalm Death jumper, that’ll be me.

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Enjoy the trip.

ok. spliff afterwards. :wink:

Probably, but given that we’re going to see Autechre for our wedding anniversary, my wife will probably be in charge of what happens after the gig.


that’s so romantic and sweeeeeeet!

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Well, regardless of whether it’s gonna be angry banana time or a spliff to deal with being sonically assaulted for a couple of hours, it’s a win. Congratulations too, BTW :tada:

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Yeah, I’ll be in a pub near Barbican tube before the gig. Maybe old red cow, maybe rising sun. And no plans afterwards yet, last fast train home is about 11

I had a pair with Call of Duty. They actually worked in the dark.

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Well that was banging


Judging by the Helsinki recording just released it must have been amazing to experience live…

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How were Zoviet France? Saw them a good few years back and was well into it.

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They were ok, but I don’t think they really had enough time to get going, they only has 30 minutes.

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Thanks, yeah 30 minutes isn’t long enough for that sort of thing.

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Second set was amazing. Gratuitous hip hop, æ-style. Apparently the earlier set was more intense, like a war zone.
Nice to see loads of the Skam crew turn out.


First set I have no idea how it sounded as seats right at the back of the Barbican were just a mud wall of sub. May have been incredible, seemed like an overwhelming techno assault on the senses.
(lesson learnt: don’t sit at the back of the barbican for bass heavy music).

Second seat central perfect sound, and set was pure dope, completely different. i thought they sneaked an sl1200 on stage at one point, sounded like the fab five freddie change the beat classic scratch sound…

hope soundboards see the light of day… their interview a while ago about creating a brand new album every set seems to be coming true :slight_smile:

I have mixed feelings about sit down autechre gigs, felt a standing warehouse/car park assault would’ve been more fun.

Zoviet france were lovely textures and agree with above comments, needed more time to evolve (think second set has a few tech issues).


With the two shows, were these separate events, so you paid for show one and then had to leave for the show two audience? Did anyone watch both shows?

As someone who hasn’t seen Autechre before and doesn’t really follow them (I like their earlier stuff, haven’t tried to get in to the later), but felt like I should go see them as I have friends who really rate them… the first show was an experience lol.

Not sure I “enjoyed” it quite, but I’m glad I saw it and I respect their artistic vision. I do like some quite experimental stuff but I couldn’t really find any of the elements I can normally latch onto in music - the rhythm varies too wildly, the melodies are too random, and I don’t like the timbre of a lot of the sounds they use - but there were moments where it came together into something quite compelling before kind of falling apart again. Apologies for blasphemy :joy: but thought I’d share an “outsider” perspective.

I guess I’d summarise it as being a bit too “random” sounding for my liking. But impressive in the sense that I can’t even begin to imagine how to make music like that, and it clearly touches a lot of people!

Sounds like I might have had a slightly easier intro with the second show if it had more “conventional” beats?


Yes two separate events

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I’ve probably seen them about 10+ times over the years and each time there was an clear sonic progression (obviously like the material releases), but there were always aspects from before that filtered through which gave a sense of ‘nostalgia’ amongst the newer material. I probably find the recent stuff just as intense, confusing, irritating and equally amazing in parts as yourself. I like that it throws up those questions. Musically, it’s certainly not an easy or conventional listen but I suppose that’s what makes the Autechre experience what it is :slight_smile:

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My old man used to shout up to my room, “turn that shit off, it sounds like someone building a shed” :slight_smile: